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The Window Is Closing for Diplomacy to Stop Iran's Nuclear Program

(U.S. News) Brig.-Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser - Of the many challenges facing Israel, our highest priority must be denying Iran - whose rogue regime denies Israel's right to exist - the capability to produce nuclear weapons. If U.S. efforts to stop Iran's nuclear program by nonmilitary means do not succeed within a few months, military action is needed given Tehran's dangerous behavior. The regime in Tehran has demonstrated its willingness to attack Israel directly, firing hundreds of ballistic missiles over our border in the past year. I believe that if Israel were to attack, it has a good chance of causing damage that would make it very difficult for Iran to proceed with building a weapon. American support could yield even greater damage to the Iranian program. For years, Israel restrained itself from attacking Iran because of the fear of mass retaliatory rocket attacks by Iranian allies Hizbullah and Hamas. Importantly, Israel feels it has strong support from the Trump administration to eliminate Iran's capabilities to produce nuclear weapons. The writer, former head of the Research Division of IDF Military Intelligence, is president of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security.
2025-03-18 00:00:00
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