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Israel Renews the Fighting in Gaza: Breaking the Paradigm

(Jerusalem Center for Security and Foreign Affairs) Oded Ailam - In recent weeks, it has become clear that Hamas is not genuinely interested in reaching a final agreement for the return of all hostages. Instead, it has been using the negotiations as a tactic to strengthen its military and political stance. Hamas has added new demands, insisting on a prolonged ceasefire without making significant concessions. Israel has decided to break the paradigm by resuming military action. While this step does carry risks for the hostages, the alternative - giving Hamas more time to prepare and solidify its control - is far worse. Further delays could result in hostages dying in tunnels while the IDF is forced to fight a more fortified and emboldened enemy. Renewing the fighting is meant to exert real pressure, making Hamas leadership understand that it cannot continue to stall and dictate the rules of the game. Israel has chosen not to be dragged into endless talks that only benefit Hamas, but rather to apply calculated and powerful force to create real change on the ground. The fact that the Americans have given a bright "green light" to this operation signals to Hamas and its backers that they should not expect leniency from the U.S. Hamas now finds itself more isolated than ever, as its allies in the Middle East begin to realize that continuing this struggle is a lost cause. The writer, former head of the Counterterrorism Division in the Mossad, is a researcher at the Jerusalem Center.
2025-03-20 00:00:00
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