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BBC Bests New York Times on Coverage of Israeli Apology to Turkey 2013-March-27
Egypt Intensifies Destruction of Gaza Tunnels2013-March-15
Settlements Not Illegal under International Law2013-March-12
Sympathy for a Palestinian Terrorist?2013-February-22
Syrian Television's Most Outraged Bystander 2013-February-22
Israeli System to Protect Civilian Aircraft from Missile Attacks Passes Tests2013-January-17
Israel Builds New Fence along Syria Border2012-December-27
Indicting Israel: New York Times Coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict2012-December-13
America, Israel, Gaza, the World 2012-November-19
Former IDF Advocate General: Turkey Staging a "Show Trial"2012-November-07
Joe Wants to Talk Israel with You2012-October-26
Israel Asks UN to Block Ship Headed for Gaza2012-October-17
Barbarians at the Gate2012-September-12
Little Sign of Battle in Egypt's Sinai 2012-August-10
5 Israelis Killed, 34 Hurt in Bulgaria Suicide Bombing 2012-July-19
Israeli Student Controls Robot with His Mind 2012-July-10
By the Numbers: The New York Times' Palestinian Prisoner Article2012-May-08
New York Times: Creating News Where There Is None2012-March-09
Israel's "Tunnel Rats" Brace for New Guerrilla War 2012-March-09
Netanyahu, Obama Discuss Iran at White House2012-March-06
Harvard's Anti-Israel Conference2012-March-02
India, Israel Cooperate on Bomb Investigation2012-February-15
Media Giants Post Dubious Anti-Israel Photo2012-February-07
How "Evil Israeli Soldiers" Saved an Anti-Israel Filmmaker's Life 2012-February-03
Arab League Observer in Syria: "I Was Threatened with Death for Doing My Job"2012-January-17
Ex-Arafat Advisor Mark Perry and the "False Flag" Story2012-January-16
Security Cameras Reduce Vandalism on Mount of Olives2011-December-22
The Mughrabi Gate to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem: The Urgent Need for a Permanent Access Bridge 2011-October-24
LA Times Remakes Judah Ben-Hur into "Palestinian Nobleman"2011-September-27
Report: Egyptian Politicians Involved in Israeli Embassy Attack 2011-September-23
Netanyahu: Israel Wants to Improve Ties with Turkey2011-September-09
Turkey's Need for Israel's UAVs May Rehabilitate their Relationship2011-August-31
Dropping Security Fears, Israel Welcomes Google Street View's Panoramic Images2011-August-24
Questioning the Legality of Proposed Palestinian Statehood2011-August-16
PA TV Honors Mother of Suicide Bomber 2011-August-12
7,000 Years of Oppression 2011-August-05
The New Hama Rules: Cellphone Cameras Exposing Assad's Brutality 2011-August-01
France to Buy Israeli-Made Drones 2011-July-25
The New York Times' Flotilla Bias 2011-July-22
U.S. Army Using Israeli Surveillance Technology 2011-July-14
U.S. Accuses Syria of Unleashing Mob Attacks on U.S., French Embassies2011-July-12
Media Crossing the Line on Gaza Flotilla 2011-June-24
Syria's Assad Loses His Grip to Hardliners2011-June-17
Poll Affirms Strong American Jewish Support for Israel2011-May-23
Iran Helping Syria Suppress Demonstrations2011-April-18
Israel to Arm Combat Soldiers with Cameras 2011-April-14
New Missile Defense System Intercepts Palestinian Rocket Fired at Israeli City2011-April-08
The New York Times and Itamar2011-March-29
Hamas Attacks Seen as Diversion from Internal Issues2011-March-21
Hamas Disperses "Unity" Protests by Force; Dozens Hurt2011-March-16

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