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Iranian Revolutionary Guards Publication: Young People in Iran Pose a Security Threat to the Regime2021-March-22
Dore Gold: ICC Probe of Israel Sets Dangerous Precedent for All Countries Engaged in War Against Terror2021-March-08
Africa Is a Jihadist Playground for the Resurgent Islamic State and al-Qaeda2021-March-04
Is Israel Legally Obligated to Provide Palestinians with Vaccines?2021-March-01
Remembering Manfred Gerstenfeld 2021-March-01
Insufficient Diplomatic Strength to Stop Iran2021-March-01
Iran's Intelligence Minister: If Pushed, Iran May Build an Atomic Bomb2021-February-18
"The Yemeni Maneuver" - Biden Administration Gives a Free Pass to Iran2021-February-18
Castles in the Air? The American Return to the UN Human Rights Council2021-February-18
What Is Driving Abbas and Hamas to Hold Palestinian Elections? 2021-February-15
Strategic Construction Plans in Jerusalem: Will the Biden Administration Weigh In? 2021-February-11
Israel Must Fight Back Against the ICC and Not Be Intimidated by Its Charges2021-February-11
The International Criminal Court's Flawed Decision to Recognize ICC Jurisdiction over the Territories 2021-February-08
Video - "Occupation": The Search for an Alternative Term2021-February-04
A Pragmatic Peace for Israelis and Palestinians2021-February-04
Why Israel Is Right to Doubt that New Negotiations with Iran Will Work2021-February-01
The Iranians Know Israel Means Business2021-January-28
We Should Have a Vaccine Against Viral Propaganda2021-January-28
The War over the IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism 2021-January-28
Abbas Accused by Rival of Embezzling $2 Billion 2021-January-21
Understanding the War in Ethiopia 2021-January-21
Israel, the Palestinians, and the Covid-19 Vaccines2021-January-14
Iran's Man in Yemen Is a Revolutionary Guard Officer 2021-January-14
Iran Is Actually in Distress, and That Needs to Be Exploited2021-January-11
Is J Street Misrepresenting Its Real Mission? 2021-January-11
Video: Conspiracies, Jews, and the Jewish State2021-January-04
The Makings of the U.S. Recognition of the Moroccan Sahara 2021-January-04
Egypt Reveals the Financial Terrorist Ties between the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas2020-December-31
Transformations in the Middle East: Challenges for the New U.S. Administration2020-December-31
Hizb ut-Tahrir (Islamic Liberation Party) Wants a Caliphate 2020-December-31
Moroccan-Israeli Peace Addresses Multiple Security Challenges2020-December-28
Iranian Intelligence Uses International Crime Organizations to Eliminate Opposition Activists and for Narco-Terrorist Activity2020-December-28
The Battle for Washington's Foreign Policy Has Begun 2020-December-24
Human Rights Watch's Anti-Israel Agenda 2020-December-24
Breaking the Silence's Report on Roads in the Territories Falsely Assumes the Territory Belongs to the Palestinians 2020-December-24
Why Hanan Ashrawi Resigned from the PLO 2020-December-24
The Beginnings of the Israel-Morocco Peace Deal2020-December-21
Iran Threatens Oil Shipping in the Red Sea 2020-December-17
Lebanon's Economy Is in Tatters, and Financial Aid Is Not Forthcoming without Reform 2020-December-17
Why Was Iran's Nuclear Expert Fakhrizadeh Secretly Decorated After the JCPOA Went into Effect?2020-December-10
Dore Gold in Bahrain: "Abraham Accords a Whole New Paradigm for Diplomats"2020-December-07
Iranian Security Officials Admit Intelligence Failures and Call for Cleaning House 2020-December-07
Palestinian Leadership Continues Extreme Position Against Peace2020-November-30
Iran: We Will Not Renegotiate the Nuclear Deal2020-November-26
Restoring U.S. Aid to Palestinians while Complying with the Taylor Force Act2020-November-26
Belgium Supports Illegal Construction in the West Bank and Then Demands Compensation 2020-November-26
The Abuse of Human Rights to Promote Hate 2020-November-26
What Did Jordan's Parliamentary Elections Show? 2020-November-23
What Is Going to Change in the Middle East under Biden?2020-November-23
Senior Saudi Official Warns Biden Against Returning to the Iran Deal2020-November-19

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