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The Gang-Assault on Israel at the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly 2020-November-19
Givat Hamatos: A Strategic Jerusalem Neighborhood2020-November-16
The 2020 Presidential Election: How Jewish-Americans Voted 2020-November-16
Biden Should Choose a Secretary of State Who Understands Why Previous Peace Efforts Failed2020-November-12
Arab Normalization and Palestinian Radicalization: The Tug of War over the Middle East Peace Process2020-November-12
Iranian Intelligence Services Abduct Iranian Opposition Activists from Abroad2020-November-05
Split between Locals and Tunis "Outsiders" Still Divides Palestinians 2020-November-02
Hamas Is Very Concerned about Israel's Normalization with Sudan 2020-October-26
The End of the Arms Embargo on Iran2020-October-22
The Struggle between Israel and Hizbullah: 1982-2020 2020-October-22
Study: Compliance with Covid-19 Guidelines among Israel's Older Population2020-October-22
The Palestinians' View of the U.S. Elections2020-October-19
Jordan's New Government Indicates a Change in Emphasis2020-October-15
Iran's "Breakout" Ability More Dangerous than Before 2020-October-15
Israel-Lebanon Maritime Boundary Negotiations - Some Unique Aspects 2020-October-12
Israel Revealed the Weapons that Sit beneath Lebanon's Civilians2020-October-08
The Palestinian Leadership Has Lost Support in the Arab and Muslim World 2020-October-08
How Support for Israel Is an American Security Interest 2020-October-05
Iran: "We Will Help Any Country Fighting the Zionist Regime and the United States"2020-October-01
Iran Activates Terror Cells Against Saudi Arabia2020-October-01
Anti-Israel Claims of Ethnic Cleansing Have No Place in the Columbia Spectator2020-October-01
What Was in the Abraham Accords Signed in Washington?2020-September-29
Is Saudi Arabia about to Go Nuclear with China's Help?2020-September-24
How Denmark, Sweden, the UN, and the EU Got Suckered into Funding a Terror Organization 2020-September-24
Why the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Is Uniquely Stable among the Arab States 2020-September-24
Iran: Normalization with Israel Accelerates the End of the Bahrain Regime2020-September-21
The Abraham Accords May Herald New Security Structures for the Middle East2020-September-17
Turkish Hyper-Activity Reverberates throughout the Middle East 2020-September-14
Legal Rights Scholar Justus Reid Weiner Dies at Age 70 2020-September-07
The Legacy of Justus Reid Weiner, International Human Rights Scholar2020-September-07
How to Dismantle the Distorted Western Discourse on Israel2020-September-07
Egypt Captures Muslim Brotherhood Commander in Cairo2020-September-03
Hamas Moves Seek to Shore Up Domestic Support 2020-September-03
The UAE Agreement: A Historic Turning Point in Israel's Relations with the Arab World 2020-August-31
A Future Investment Fund for the Palestinian People 2020-August-27
Israel in Contact with Sudan2020-August-24
Israel Has Been Making Common Cause with the Victims of Regional Aggression for Decades 2020-August-20
Ancient Muslim Texts Confirm the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem 2020-August-20
For UAE Peace Deal, Israel Suspends Moves toward Sovereignty in Parts of Judea and Samaria 2020-August-17
Inside the Struggle between Israel and Hizbullah2020-August-13
Video: Chevron and the Centrality of Energy Diplomacy in the Middle East2020-August-13
The UN "Blacklist" of Commercial Enterprises: Should It Be Taken Seriously? 2020-August-13
Hizbullah Bears the Responsibility for the Beirut Disaster 2020-August-10
The Fragility of the Liberal Democracies and the Challenge of Totalitarianism2020-August-06
Video: The Battle of the Narratives2020-August-06
Video: Making an Impaired Peace Process Work2020-August-06
Hamas Prioritizing Naval Attack Force Build-Up 2020-August-03
Iran: Jordan Assisted U.S. in Harassing Iranian Passenger Plane2020-July-30
The Western Wall and the Jews: More than a Thousand Years of Prayer2020-July-30
What If the Palestinian Authority Disbands? 2020-July-23

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