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The Indigenous Rights of the Jewish People and the 2007 UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People2020-July-23
American Jewry in Transition? How Attitudes toward Israel May Be Shifting 2020-July-23
The Alignment of BDS and Black Lives Matter: Implications for Israel and Diaspora Jewry 2020-July-20
The Unilateral Application of Israeli Sovereignty Is Necessary to Move the Peace Process Forward 2020-July-16
Tightening Military Cooperation between Iran and Syria 2020-July-16
The U.S. Should Take Sudan Off Its State Sponsors of Terrorism List 2020-July-13
Jews Are Indigenous to Israel 2020-July-13
Iran Registers Another Victory in Iraq 2020-July-06
The Jewish People's Rights2020-July-06
The British Mandate Began 100 Years Ago - A Photo Essay 2020-July-02
Iraq Raids Pro-Iran Militia Responsible for Attacks on U.S. Targets2020-June-30
Willful Blindness and the Mistake of Underestimation: The Oslo Gamble2020-June-30
The Battle over BDS: Trends, Lessons and Future Trajectories 2020-June-29
Head of Bedouin Tribes in Iraq and Syria Calls for Strategic Alliance with Israel2020-June-26
Nepotism in the Palestinian Authority Angers the Public 2020-June-25
Jordanian Tanks Crossed the Jordan Valley in the 1967 War Against Israel2020-June-19
Turkey's Intrusion into Jerusalem 2020-June-19
The New Anti-Semitism: The Delegitimization of the Jewish People2020-June-19
Whistleblower Exposes Palestinian Authority Corruption 2020-June-18
Groups Behind ICC Suits Against Israel, U.S. Have Terrorist Ties2020-June-17
Legal Assault: How the ICC Has Been Weaponized Against the U.S. and Israel 2020-June-17
Israeli Expert: U.S. Peace Plan Says Palestinian Narrative Must Change to Give Peace a Chance 2020-June-16
The Debate over the Future of the Territories 2020-June-16
Jerusalem's Changing Demographics: An Overview2020-June-12
The U.S. Peace Plan, Political Wisdom and Double Standards 2020-June-11
Has Israel-PA Security Coordination Ceased?2020-June-05
Mahmoud Abbas' Strategy of Selective Compliance2020-June-02
If Abbas Can Revoke Solemn Obligations over a Knesset Speech, of What Value Are Any Palestinian Commitments?2020-May-28
Undermining the International Criminal Court2020-May-27
Iran Presents the "Final Solution" - to the Question of Palestine2020-May-27
Video: 20 Years Since the End of the First Lebanon War2020-May-26
Hizbullah Is Training Syria's 1st Corps for Future War Against Israel 2020-May-22
Applying Israeli Sovereignty to Parts of Judea and Samaria according to the U.S. Peace Plan - Implications2020-May-21
Can Jordan Revoke Its Peace Treaty with Israel?2020-May-20
Video: Does the Term "Annexation" Even Apply to the West Bank2020-May-19
Legal Experts Question ICC over Alleged Israeli "War Crimes" Case 2020-May-15
How to Rescue Civil Discourse on Israel2020-May-15
New PA Campaign: The Block Is the Weapon 2020-May-14
U.S. Supreme Court Revives Potential $655.5 Million Judgement Against PA 2020-May-14
Resilience, Stringency of Restrictions and Psychological Consequences of Covid-19 in Israel: Comparing Jewish and Arab Samples2020-May-14
Is Iran Seeking a Historic Compromise with the United States? 2020-May-13
Internal Hamas Tensions May Prevent a Prisoner Release Deal with Israel2020-May-11
IRGC-Affiliated Mahan Air Is to Blame for Spreading the Coronavirus in the Middle East2020-May-08
Report: ICC Colluding with Terror-Tied Groups to Push Prosecution of U.S., Israeli Personnel2020-May-07
Iran Is Operating an Airlift to Venezuela2020-April-30
Anti-Semitism and the Coronavirus 2020-April-28
New U.S. Law Allows Terror Victims to Sue PA 2020-April-24
How the Coronavirus Pandemic Has Sparked Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories2020-April-24
100 Years Since the San Remo Conference 2020-April-23
Hizbullah Makes Clear It Will Strike Israel from Lebanon Even If It Is Attacked in Syria 2020-April-22

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