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Zarqawi's Successor: Abu Hamza al-Muhajir2006-June-23
Hamas' New Strategy Threatens U.S. Interests2006-March-17
The Muslims Began This War2006-March-08
Arab Editor: Religious Extremism Spreading among Muslim Youth in U.S.2006-March-03
Hamas Leader Khaled Mash'al at Damascus Mosque: The Nation of Islam Will Sit at the Throne of the World and the West Will Be Full of Remorse2006-February-05
Hamas: We Will Not Give Up a Single Inch of Palestine2006-February-01
Sheikh Al-Qaradhawi "The Resistance in Palestine, Iraq, and Lebanon Must Go On"; "We Stand Alongside Our Brothers in Hamas and Islamic Jihad"2005-December-20
Hamas Leader in Gaza: We'll Join the Legislative Council - and Keep Our Guns2005-November-21
The "Second Islamic Revolution" in Iran: Power Struggle at the Top2005-November-17
Hamas Military Commander: Gaza Just the Beginning, Liberate Entire Land2005-September-09
Iran and Diplomacy 2005-August-22
Plea from an Iranian Political Prisoner2005-July-14
Arab Media Reactions to the London Bombing2005-July-12
"The Sheikh of the Slaughterers": Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and the al-Qaeda Connection 2005-July-05
We Must Discuss Why We Hate the Jews2005-May-27
We Must Discuss Why We Hate the Jews 2005-May-27
Al-Hayat Washington Bureau Chief: Some Arab Regimes Support Terrorism in Iraq to Thwart Democracy2005-May-11
Iran: "Get Used to the Idea of a Nuclear Iran"2005-April-07
Growing Egyptian-U.S. Tensions: Egyptian Press Attacks President Bush2005-March-18
Saudi Prince Against Islamist Ideology2005-March-16
"My Son's Teacher Was a Terrorist"2005-March-16
Iraqi Dissident: We Received Money and Arms from Syria and Iran2005-January-19
Al-Zarqaa in Jordan, Birthplace of al-Qaeda Leader Al-Zarqawi, the Capital of the Salafi Jihad Movement in Jordan2005-January-17
The Arab Silence on Darfur 2004-December-30
Saudi Government Daily: U.S. Army Harvesting Organs of Iraqis 2004-December-24
Iranian TV Drama Depicts Israel Stealing Palestinian Children's Eyes2004-December-23
Palestinian Incitement Lessens But Hatred Continues2004-December-01
A Progressive Egyptian Perspective2004-November-19
Egyptian Columnists Do Not Regret Arafat's Death2004-November-17
Abu Mazen: The Whole Intifada Was a Mistake2004-October-06
Syrian Professor: "Terrorism Nests Within Us as Muslims and We Must Exorcise It" 2004-September-23
Muslim Brotherhood Activists' Possible Return to Syria2004-August-27
Saudi Armed Forces Journal: Jews "Aspire to Dominate the World"2004-August-26
Bin Laden's Former Bodyguard Speaks2004-August-20
Mubarak's Party Weekly Magazine Accuses Jews of Blood Libel2004-August-19
Egypt's Ruling Party Newspaper: The Holocaust is a Zionist Lie Aimed at Extorting the West2004-August-19
Qaradawi: "There is No Dialogue between Us and the Jews Except by the Sword and the Rifle"2004-July-27
Saddam Better Off Committing Suicide2004-July-20
A Call for Arafat to Resign 2004-July-19
The Recruitment and Training of Palestinian Suicide Bombers2004-July-08
Saudis Funding Islamic Extremism 2004-July-06
Dahlan Denounces "Corruption Lobby" in the PA 2004-July-06
Incitement to Jihad on Saudi Government-Controlled TV2004-June-28
Commander of Khobar Terrorist Squad Tells Story of Operation2004-June-16
The EnemSaudi Officials Reinforce Crown Prince Abdullah's Accusation that Zionists Are Behind Terror Attacks in Saudi Arabia2004-June-04
Egyptian Professor: "No Conclusive Proof" Muslims Were Behind 9/11 2004-April-14
Iran's Role in the Recent Uprising in Iraq2004-April-13
Al-Sadr Not Supported by Other Iraqi Leaders 2004-April-09
Contemporary Islamist Ideology Permitting Genocidal Murder2004-January-30
Iraqi Resistance Directed by Syria's Secret Service? 2003-December-08

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