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Will Turkey Get in the Way of Israeli Gas?2020-January-07
A Scorecard on the First Decade after the Arab Spring2020-January-03
Iran Could Deploy Its Iraqi Militias Against Israel 2019-December-31
Video: The Turkish-Libyan Maritime Agreement and the Struggle over the Mediterranean2019-December-31
Israel to Fight War-Crimes Probe by International Criminal Court 2019-December-24
Video: America and the International Criminal Court2019-December-23
Turkey's Protection of Hamas Is a Huge Blow to Peace in the Middle East2019-December-19
Who Will Fill the Void in Iraq? 2019-December-18
Israel Eyes Dubai Expo as Portal to Arab World2019-December-17
Executive Order on Anti-Semitism Continues the Civil Rights Legacy of Martin Luther King 2019-December-16
The New European Initiative for Palestinian Statehood2019-December-12
Hamas Obtains New Weaponry Anyway It Can 2019-December-11
Hamas' Use of Israeli Civilians and Remains of IDF Soldiers as Bargaining Chips Is a Clear Violation of Humanitarian Law2019-December-06
Could a Future U.S. Administration Undo the New Policy on Israeli Settlements? 2019-December-06
The United States and the Iranian Policy of Escalation2019-December-05
Jerusalem's Tomb of the Kings: Did the French Hijack a Jewish Heritage Site?2019-December-04
Iranian Regime Fights Back Against Protesters 2019-November-29
The Bahrain Economic Workshop Highlighted the Disparity between the Palestinians' Claims to Moral Superiority and Their Real Goals2019-November-29
Dore Gold: Congressional Letter about Settlement Illegality "Seriously Flawed" 2019-November-27
Iran Supresses Popular Protests2019-November-26
The Failure of the International Criminal Court (ICC)2019-November-22
How Significant Is the U.S. Declaration on Israeli Settlements? 2019-November-22
The Legality of Israel's Settlements: Flaws in the Carter-Era Hansell Memorandum 2019-November-21
U.S. Policy Change on Israeli Settlements: A Long Awaited Correction 2019-November-19
A Double Blow to Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)2019-November-13
The European Union Labels Itself Biased 2019-November-13
The Cyrus Debate Confirms the Truth of Jewish History in Jerusalem2019-November-04
Former Israeli Chief Justice Meir Shamgar: The Right Man in the Right Place at the Right Time 2019-November-01
Iraqis Protest Iran's Involvement in Their Country 2019-October-31
Is Lebanon Sliding Again into Civil War?2019-October-30
Video: The Attempt to Revive the False Charge that Israel Is Racist2019-October-30
Was the American Decision to Abandon the Kurds a Surprise?2019-October-24
Jordan's Queen Rania Has Become a Lightning Rod2019-October-23
American Withdrawal and the Future of Israeli Security2019-October-17
Gen. Kuperwasser: The U.S. Commitment to Israel Is Different from Its Commitment to the Syrian Kurds2019-October-16
Discussion of Agreements with Persian Gulf States Seen as Positive2019-October-08
Palestinian Authority Continues to Pay Salaries to Terrorists2019-October-07
The EU Demonstrates a Distinct Political Bias Against Israel 2019-October-04
Iran Opens a Second Front along Israel's Border2019-October-03
Who Killed Musa Sadr?2019-September-27
Iraqi Shiite Leader Muqtada al-Sadr Calls for Return of Pro-Iran Militias from Syria 2019-September-26
Is Egyptian President Sisi's Regime in Danger?2019-September-25
Video: Iran Moves Against the Saudis, Dropping the Pretense of a Proxy War2019-September-24
Behind the French Enthusiasm for Iran 2019-September-23
A U.S.-Israeli Defense Pact: How to Ensure that Its Advantages Outweigh Its Disadvantages 2019-September-19
Assad Tries to Stir Up Trouble among the Druze on the Golan Heights 2019-September-17
Iranian, Hizbullah Escalations Force Israel to Rewrite Self-Defense Rules 2019-September-13
Jordan Valley Needed to Protect Israel from Threats to the East 2019-September-12
On 9/11, Recalling the Ties between Iran and Al-Qaeda 2019-September-11
Countdown Begins toward a Battle between Israel and Hizbullah2019-September-10

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