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West Bank

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Barghouti Ignites the "al-Aqsa Intifada" 2002-May-30
Why the Settlements Should Stay 2002-May-30
Arafat Has the Capability; He Lacks the Will2002-May-29
Emergency Fence Under Construction2002-May-28
Gaza vs. the West Bank 2002-May-27
Land Without a Name 2002-May-24
Land Without a Name2002-May-24
Reforming the Palestinian Security Services2002-May-23
Documenting the Myth of Jenin - Part One 2002-May-23
The Abuse of History2002-May-22
How Many Christians Live in the Territories?2002-May-21
Palestinian Reform is a Fragile Thing2002-May-21
Leader of Hamas: Attacks to Continue 2002-May-16
Israel Pursues Focused Attacks 2002-May-16
Nine Wars Too Many2002-May-15
Only 1/7% of the West Bank is Built-up Settlement Area2002-May-14
Polls Show American Sympathy for Israel Rising2002-May-13
Hamas Holds Advantage in Gaza Campaign2002-May-10
The Middle East Is a Disaster, But Not an Emergency 2002-May-09
Israel's Phony 'Partner' 2002-May-08
A Hard Look at Jenin 2002-May-08
How Jenin battle became a 'massacre' 2002-May-08
Pentagon Objects to U.S. Peacekeepers2002-May-06
Palestinian Cultural Heritage2002-May-06

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