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U.S. State Department

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Kerry: Objective Is a Final Status Agreement in Nine Months2013-July-31
U.S. Pushed Peace Talks to Avoid Israeli-Palestinian "Train Wreck" at UN, Says White House Official2013-July-31
Capital Offense2013-July-26
Kerry to Make Sixth Mideast Visit Next Week Amid Doubts 2013-July-12
After Kerry Leaves, Aides Continue Efforts for Talks2013-July-02
U.S. Hits Hizbullah Agents in West Africa with Sanctions 2013-June-12
U.S. Probe Focuses on Weapons in Syria2013-June-11
Israel Accelerates Cybersecurity Know-How as Early as 10th Grade2013-June-11
U.S. Withholds Millions Pledged to Help Syrian Opposition2013-June-03
Kerry Unveils $4 Billion Palestinian Economic Plan2013-May-27
U.S.: Iranian Soldiers Fighting for Assad in Syria2013-May-22
State Department Notes Continued Rise in Anti-Semitism2013-May-21
U.S. Human Rights Report Relies on Unverified NGO Claims2013-April-23
U.S. Warns of Extremists in Syrian Opposition, Praises Moderates2013-April-22
WikiLeaks Reveals U.S. Relationship with Arafat 2013-April-12
The Geopolitics of Israel's Offshore Gas Reserves2013-April-05
Hamas: We Are Not Terrorists; We Just Want to Destroy Israel2013-March-22
Hagel: U.S. Will Continue Support for Israel's Missile Defense Systems in Spite of Fiscal Constraints2013-March-06
Plutonium: Iran's "Plan B" for a Nuclear Bomb2013-February-27
Will the Al-Qaeda Affiliates Ousting Assad Turn to Israel Next? 2013-February-12
Iran Talks Planned, But Diplomatic Window May Be Closing 2013-February-08
U.S. to EU: Crack Down on Hizbullah2013-February-06
Kerry Calls Netanyahu, Abbas to Discuss Diplomatic Process2013-February-04
Israelis Unhappy with Study of their Textbooks and Palestinians'2013-February-04
Iran Sentences U.S. Pastor to 8 Years for Christianity2013-January-29
U.S. Says Egyptian Statement on Jews, Israel a Good First Step But Not Enough to Ease Concerns2013-January-18
Iran Finding Ways to Evade Sanctions, U.S. Warns2013-January-11
Using Cold War Tactics to Confront Iran2013-January-10
U.S. Bank Hacks Were Work of Iranians, Officials Say2013-January-09
U.S. Opposes Using the Term "State of Palestine"2013-January-08
Obama Signs "Countering Iran in the Western Hemisphere Act"2013-January-01
House Votes to Squeeze Iran's Western Hemisphere Activities2012-December-20
U.S. Blocks UN Condemnation of Jerusalem Construction2012-December-20
EU Will Soon List Hizbullah as Terrorist Group2012-December-19
Syria Rebels Raid Assad's Arsenals 2012-December-18
Assad Forces Fire Scud Missiles in Syria2012-December-13
U.S. Denies Holding Backchannel Talks with Hamas2012-December-13
Syria: Has the Bubble Burst?2012-December-06
U.S.: Palestinian UN Bid Is a "Mistake," Negotiations Are Only Way Forward2012-November-28
Palestinians Submit Resolution on UN Status2012-November-27
Clinton to Netanyahu: Palestinian Rocket Attacks Must End2012-November-21
U.S. Condemns Hamas Rocket Fire2012-November-15
Syrian Rebels Wary of U.S. Push to Overhaul Opposition 2012-November-02
U.S. Works to Launch New Syrian Opposition Council 2012-October-31
U.S. Offers $12 Million for Iran-Based al-Qaeda Operatives 2012-October-22
Riots, Rage, Videos, and Free Speech2012-September-28
U.S. to Remove Iranian Group from Terror List2012-September-24
Hizbullah in Latin America: Terrorism and Organized Crime 2012-September-21
Arabs Sense Weakness2012-September-19
Deadly Embassy Attacks Were Days in the Making 2012-September-13

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