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White House

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Netanyahu: I Won't Tell Jews They Can't Buy Apartments in Jerusalem2014-October-02
White House Exempts Airstrikes in Syria and Iraq from Tight Standards on Civilian Deaths 2014-October-01
White House Official: Nuclear Deal Could Portend Iran Ties2014-October-01
Obama to UN: Arab-Israeli Conflict Is Not the Main Source of Problems in the Middle East2014-September-29
U.S. Rejects Iran Bid to Link Islamic State Fight to Nuclear Concessions2014-September-23
From Gaza to ISIS: Assessing Change in Today's Middle East2014-September-16
Obama: "We Will Destroy the Terrorist Group Known as ISIL (ISIS)"2014-September-11
Obama to Authorize Airstrikes on ISIS in Syria2014-September-10
U.S. Fears Islamic State Attack on Jordan2014-September-10
Obama: "Degrade and Destroy" the Islamic State2014-September-04
Israel's Decision to Declare 988 Acres of West Bank Territory as State Land2014-September-01
U.S. Mobilizes Allies to Widen Assault on ISIS 2014-August-27
After Journalist's Beheading, Obama Calls for "Common Effort to Extract This Cancer"2014-August-21
Israel's Record on Civilian Casualties Compares Well to America's2014-August-20
Israel Trying to Resolve Weapons Transfer Issue with U.S., Officials Say2014-August-15
White House Now Scrutinizing Israeli Requests for Ammunition2014-August-14
Obama Authorizes Airstrikes in Iraq to Counter Islamic Militants2014-August-08
Obama: Hamas Deliberately Sites Rocket Launchers in Population Centers2014-August-07
Obama: Hamas Did Not Honor Gaza Cease-Fire2014-August-03
The Gaza Cease-Fire Fiasco 2014-July-29
U.S.: Hamas Is Responsible for This Conflict 2014-July-29
White House: Obama and Netanyahu Discuss Gaza2014-July-28
Obama, Netanyahu Discuss Gaza2014-July-21
A Doubly Dangerous Iran - Michael Hayden and Evan Bayh2014-July-20
Obama: Israel Has the Right to Defend Itself Against Inexcusable Attacks from Hamas2014-July-18
Obama Considering Airstrikes on Sunni Militants in Iraq 2014-June-18
U.S. Scrambles to Help Iraq Fight Off Militants as Baghdad Is Threatened2014-June-13
U.S. Said to Rebuff Iraqi Request to Strike Militants2014-June-12
U.S. Reviewing Hamas Role in PA Government 2014-June-06
Obama to Outline Strategy that Aims to Avoid Overreach Overseas 2014-May-28
Spying Reports Embarrass Their Authors2014-May-12
U.S. Officials: Blame Palestinians, Too 2014-May-09
Meeting Abbas, Rice Outlines Path Forward for Peace with Israel2014-May-09
U.S. National Security Advisor in Israel to Discuss Iran, Peace Process2014-May-08
The Right Way to Press Iran2014-May-07
Egyptian Court Sentences Top Muslim Brotherhood Leader to Death2014-April-29
White House Would Consider Cutting Aid to Palestinians in Wake of Hamas-Fatah Deal2014-April-28
Why Iran's Missiles Matter 2014-April-25
U.S. Tells Iran, UN It Will Deny Visa to Tehran's UN Envoy Pick 2014-April-14
U.S. Says Iran's UN Envoy Choice "Not Viable"2014-April-09
U.S. Officials: Kerry's Mideast Peace Effort May Be Reaching Its Limit2014-April-04
Iran, Russia Working on $20 Billion Oil-for-Goods Deal2014-April-03
Kerry-Abbas Visit Canceled as Mideast Talks Falter2014-April-02
The Iran-Israel Struggle Heats Up2014-April-01
How Vladimir Putin Sees the Middle East2014-March-27
White House Protests Saudi Visa Denial to Israel Reporter2014-March-26
White House Thinks Anti-Semitism Is "Disappointing"2014-March-26
Abbas: I Am a Hero. I Said No to Obama2014-March-21
Russia Warns: We'll Play the Iran Card Against U.S., EU - Walter Russell Mead2014-March-20
Iran Weapons Ship Not Changing Any Minds about Engaging Tehran2014-March-12

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