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Amir Taheri

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The Tehran-Damascus Axis 2011-April-28
Report: Syrian Security Forces Reluctant to Shoot Demonstrators2011-April-18
Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Leader in Tehran Calls for Israel to Be "Wiped Off the Map"2011-March-07
Iran Revolutionary Guard Skips a Crackdown2011-February-22
Mortal Blow to Mubarak's Reign2011-February-02
Showdown Coming Between Iran's Workers and the Mullahs 2010-December-27
Ahmadinejad Reports to the Hidden Imam 2010-November-30
"Wherever There Is Hizbullah There Is Iran"2010-August-16
A Change in Tehran's Propaganda War Against Israel2010-June-10
Regime on the Brink 2010-February-15
Will Tehran Choose the Tiananmen Solution?2010-February-09
Symbolic Gestures Won't Deter This Regime 2009-December-17
Iran's Democratic Moment 2009-December-10
Diplomatic Deception: Iran Seeking Fuel for Research Reactor Scheduled to Close Down 2009-November-03
Gaddafi Is a Clown, But No One Is Laughing 2009-August-24
Iran and Russia: No Love Lost 2009-August-07
Time to Move Beyond Khomeinism2009-July-31
Tehran Believes the U.S. Has Already Accepted a Nuclear-Armed Iran 2009-July-29
Former Iranian President Rafsanjani Offers Compromise 2009-July-20
Ahmadinejad Unwelcome in Parts of Iran2009-July-02
The Fight for Iran's Future Is Far From Over 2009-June-30
The Iranian Protests2009-June-22
The Fight over Iran's Future Is Only Beginning2009-June-22
Iran's Clarifying Election2009-June-16
The Mideast Nuclear Arms Scramble 2009-May-15
As the U.S. Retreats, Iran Fills the Void2009-May-05
The Women Who Terrify Iran's Mullahs2009-April-27
Iran Has Started a Mideast Arms Race2009-March-23
Iran: A Normal Nation or a Vehicle for Universal Messianic Revolution?2009-February-12
No Way Forward While the Hamas Hydra Lives2009-January-11
The Clock Is Ticking towards the Khomeinist Nuclear Bomb 2009-January-07
Lebanon's Choice: Side with the West or Iran2008-December-22
Syria Massing Troops on Lebanon Border 2008-October-02
Al-Qaeda's Sinister Creep into North Africa 2008-July-31
Talking to Iran - A Dubious Mission 2008-July-22
Al-Qaeda's Plan B 2008-July-03
Why Iran Will Get Nuclear Weapons 2008-June-17
Iranian Jailed for Outing the Mullah Mafia2008-June-16
The Problem with Talking to Iran 2008-May-29
Behind the Israel-Syria Talks2008-May-23
Iran's Winning Latin Power Play 2008-May-02
Basra "Uprising" Was Iranian Operation 2008-April-11
Signs of Iran in Battle for Basra 2008-April-01
The Sunni-Shiite Terror Network2008-March-31
Revolutionary Guards Post Gains in Iranian Elections2008-March-20
Iran's Election Choice: Military or Military 2008-March-14
Ahmadinejad's Iraq Debacle2008-March-10
Islam at the Ballot Box2008-February-21
Iran Purges Moderate Parliament Members2008-January-29
The Revolt of Iran's Turkmen Minority 2008-January-15

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