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The Prisoner Exchange2011-October-14
Gaza Summer Camps Include Political Indoctrination2011-August-10
Cairo Hosts Conference Supporting Terrorism2011-August-08
The Price of Israel's Unilateral Withdrawals from Lebanon and Gaza2011-June-24
Pro-Palestinian Activists Call for Mass "Fly-in" to Israel in July 2011-June-03
Turkish Flotilla Passengers Joined Nakba Protest in Jordan 2011-May-31
Turkish Flotilla Organizer IHH Condemned Bin Laden Killing2011-May-19
Weapons on Victoria Arms Ship Made in Iran2011-March-22
Sheikh Qaradawi, the Muslim Brotherhood's Ideological Guide 2011-March-01
U.S.-Egyptian Counterterrorism Work Thrown into Question 2011-February-15
IDF Soldiers Reveal What Happened Aboard the Mavi Marmara2011-January-27
Erdogan and Turkish Government Supported IHH 2011-January-24
Egyptian Media Criticize Hamas Invitation to Ahmadinejad to Visit Gaza2010-November-18
Hamas Admits 700 Palestinian Fighters Were Killed in Gaza War 2010-November-05
Turkish Journalist on the Flotilla Ship: "IDF Soldiers Did Not Open Fire Until Their Lives Were in Danger"2010-October-12
Iranian Expert: Turkish IHH Established as an Islamist Jihadist Organization2010-September-21
Arab Organization for Human Rights in London Supports Hamas Against the PA2010-September-07
Gaza a Regional Exporter of Terrorism2010-August-24
Satellite Companies Provide Service to Hizbullah and Hamas Media2010-August-20
Former Fatah Operatives in Gaza Announce Military Wing2010-August-13
Turkish Jurist Criticizes Conduct of Flotilla Organizers 2010-August-06
Most of Flotilla Wounded Had Islamic Ties 2010-July-07
Lebanon Flotilla Supported by Syria and Hizbullah2010-June-24
Video: IHH Leader Incited to Violence on the Mavi Marmara 2010-June-21
Flotilla Casualties Identified as Turkish Islamists2010-June-21
Gaza Cement Rebuilding Hamas' Military Infrastructure 2010-June-17
New Information on the Violent Intentions of the IHH Operatives 2010-June-15
Mavi Marmara Crew Members Describe IHH Preparations for Violent Confrontation2010-June-11
Past Involvement of IHH in Supporting the Global Jihad and Radical Islam 2010-June-09
IHH Preparations for a Violent Confrontation with IDF Soldiers Aboard the Turkish Ship Mavi Marmara 2010-June-09
Turkish Relief Fund Involved in Gaza Flotilla Has Radical Islamic Orientation2010-May-28
Hamas Used Kids as Human Shields2010-April-02
The Terrorist Threat from Gaza: Response to the Goldstone Report 2010-April-02
Britain as a Focus for Hamas' Political, Propaganda and Legal Activities in Europe2010-February-26
UK Students Twin with Hamas' University in Gaza2010-January-20
Dozens of Advanced IEDs Found in South Lebanon 2010-January-08
Hamas: "We Will Not Give Up the Resistance"2009-November-20
Israel Intercepts Iranian Arms Shipment to Hizbullah 2009-November-09
Yemen Seizes Iranian Arms En Route to Shi'ite Rebels2009-November-09
Hamas Minister Reveals Government Support for Terrorism2009-November-02
Yemen a Focus of Iranian-Saudi Arabian Strife: Iran Backs Yemeni Shiites in War2009-October-05
Hamas Summer Camps Celebrate Gaza War Victory2009-August-24
Islamization Promoted by Hamas in Gaza2009-August-18
"Relative Calm" in Gaza2009-July-29
Hamas Continues Entrenching Its Control after Gaza War2009-July-10
The Palestinian Hate Industry Continues2009-June-19
Islamic Radicals Blame Jews for Swine Flu2009-May-12
Most Palestinians Killed in Gaza Operation Were Combatants2009-April-24
Palestinian Refusal to Recognize the Jewish State of Israel First Surfaced at Annapolis2009-April-21
The Hamas Hate Industry2009-April-14

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