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U.S. State Department

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U.S.: Israel, Palestinians Must Restart Direct Talks2011-December-05
Al-Qaeda Group Claims Responsibility for Rocket Fire from Lebanon 2011-November-30
Cyberwar Explodes in Syria2011-November-24
Prisoner Swap Opens Way for U.S. to Prosecute Terrorists Who Slew U.S. Citizens2011-November-11
U.S. Warns American Citizens, Turkey over Activists' Attempt to Break Israel's Gaza Blockade2011-November-04
U.S. Pulls Envoy Out of Syria over Security Concerns2011-October-25
Iraq, Siding with Iran, Sends Essential Aid to Syria's Assad 2011-October-10
U.S. Dismisses Iran's Nuclear Offer as "Empty Promises" 2011-October-03
Hamas Expanding Its Activities in Saudi Arabia, Turkey2011-September-28
Saudis Continue Anti-Israel Boycott 2011-September-16
U.S. Drops Israeli Company from Iran Sanctions List 2011-September-15
Clinton: Road to Palestine Does Not Run Through UN2011-September-14
PLO Ambassador Says Palestinian State Should Be Free of Jews2011-September-14
Fighting Terror, a Decade after 9/11 2011-September-09
U.S. Alarmed at Israeli-Turkish Breakdown in Ties 2011-September-07
For Yasser Arafat, Crime Certainly Paid2011-September-02
Proposed Legislation Would Cut Off Funds to UN Groups Elevating Status of Palestinian Mission2011-September-01
Iran and Al Qaeda's 2011-August-26
Syria Protests Travel by U.S. Ambassador without Government Permission2011-August-25
Rebels Overrun Gaddafi Compound2011-August-24
U.S. Puts Curbs on Syrian Diplomats2011-August-19
Court Lets U.S. Terror Victim's Family Sue Palestinian Authority2011-August-15
U.S. Threatens to Halt Gaza Aid Over Hamas Audits2011-August-12
State Department Funds MEMRI Study of Middle East Anti-Semitism2011-August-12
U.S. to Tell Assad that He Must Go2011-August-10
U.S. Expresses "Concern" over New Jerusalem Construction2011-August-10
Al-Qaeda in Iran - Editorial 2011-July-29
House Committee Saves Israeli Aid in Foreign Aid Cut2011-July-21
America's Intelligence Denial on Iran2011-July-20
U.S. Rejects Arab League Support for PA Statehood Bid 2011-July-15
White House Admits War with Iran2011-July-15
Hizb ut-Tahrir: Islam Has Replaced Communism as Top U.S. Enemy2011-July-14
Syrians Incited to Attack Western Embassies2011-July-12
U.S. Investigates Syrian Diplomats for Spying on U.S. Protesters2011-July-11
U.S.: Mideast Talks the Way Forward, Not UN Votes2011-July-07
A U.S. Peace Plan?2011-July-06
Middle East Quartet Discourages More Gaza Flotillas2011-July-04
U.S. Policy on Syria2011-July-01
U.S. Lawmakers Say Americans in Gaza Flotilla May Be Prosecuted2011-June-30
U.S. Warns Against New Gaza Flotilla2011-June-27
Clinton: Gaza Flotilla Not "Necessary or Useful"2011-June-24
U.S. Warns Americans Against Participating in Gaza Flotilla2011-June-23
Aiding Friends and Foes in Palestine 2011-June-23
Multilateral Cooperation between the U.S. and Israel: Fighting Delegitimization2011-June-17
How to Increase U.S.-Israel Defense Cooperation2011-June-15
U.S. Imposes Sanctions on Iran's Revolutionary Guards2011-June-10
U.S.: Syria "Clearly" Inciting Israel Border Protests2011-June-07
The IAEA and Syria2011-June-01
The President's Peace Proposal Is a Formula for War2011-May-24
U.S. Designates Gaza-Based Army of Islam as Terrorist Group 2011-May-20

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