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The New Iranian Expansion into the Sahara2018-May-09
The U.S. Embassy Prepares to Move to Jerusalem 2018-May-08
It Is Not Enough to Replace Abbas2018-May-07
Manipulating the Truth about Gaza 2018-May-04
Netanyahu's Wake-Up Call to the World on the Iranian Nuclear Program 2018-May-02
Hamas' Warfare Tactics in the "Great Return March" 2018-May-01
Iranian Moves in Syria Threaten Israel2018-April-25
Israel's Contribution to the Modern Evolution of International Law 2018-April-24
Why France Attacked Syrian Chemical Weapons Facilities2018-April-20
Israel at 70: Test Your Knowledge 2018-April-18
Video - Israel at 70: Flourishing against All Odds2018-April-18
Assad Is More Dangerous than ISIS2018-April-16
Why Egypt Is Concerned about the Hamas "Return" Campaign in Gaza 2018-April-13
The Status of Jerusalem in International and Israeli Law 2018-April-13
International Community Decides Palestinian Violence at Israeli Border Was Peaceful2018-April-11
The Implications of the Syrian T-4 Air Base Bombing 2018-April-10
Gaza "Return March" Splits NGOs and Hamas 2018-April-10
The Hamas Gimmick that Failed2018-April-09
The Palestinian "Return March" - A Futile Publicity Stunt 2018-March-30
Why Did Hamas Conduct a Wide-Scale Military Exercise in Gaza? 2018-March-30
Video: Israel and Syria: The UN and the Distortion of International Law2018-March-29
Yemen's Houthis Target Vital Saudi Arabian Infrastructure and Cities2018-March-28
Hamas Is Using the "Great Return March" to Help Take Over the PLO2018-March-27
Checking the Washington Post's Fact Checker 2018-March-26
Abbas May Impose New Sanctions on Gaza 2018-March-22
Will Palestinians Storm Gaza's Border with Israel? 2018-March-21
Arab Leaders Pressure Mahmoud Abbas2018-March-19
Should U.S. Aid to the Palestinians Be Suspended? 2018-March-19
Amb. Dermer: U.S. Jerusalem Recognition Is "Shock Therapy" for Palestinians2018-March-15
The Real Casualties of the Bomb Attack in Gaza 2018-March-14
Work Begins on New Jerusalem Light Rail Extension to Serve Jews and Arabs2018-March-13
Corruption in the Palestinian Authority2018-March-09
PA Succession Battle Heats Up2018-March-08
Fatah Prepares to Replace Mahmoud Abbas2018-March-07
Egyptian President Sisi Chooses Survival over Democracy 2018-March-06
Abbas' Successor Won't Make a Difference When It Comes to Peace2018-March-02
Video: A Negotiated Route to Kurdish Independence2018-March-01
Exporting Israeli Gas to Egypt Is Beneficial to Both 2018-February-28
Jibril Rajoub vs. Muhammad Dahlan to Replace Mahmoud Abbas 2018-February-26
Jewish-Arab Coexistence in Jerusalem and Local Elections2018-February-23
Abbas Seeks to Halt Trump's "Deal of the Century" 2018-February-21
Lavrov Issues Rare Rebuke of Iran2018-February-20
The Gaza Escalation: A Message from Iran2018-February-19
Palestinian Bid for UN Recognition of Little Value2018-February-16
Abbas Rejects Jerusalem Suburb Solution for a Palestinian Capital 2018-February-16
Hizbullah Commander Imad Mughniyeh: 10 Years since His Assassination2018-February-14
Expert: Israel Sent a Clear Message to Iran in Syria2018-February-12
Video: The Assault on the Jewish Connection to Jerusalem 2018-February-09
Hamas Head Ismail Haniyeh Now on U.S. Terrorist List2018-February-08
Can Palestinian Ports Be Developed in Gaza to Relieve the Humanitarian Crisis? 2018-February-07

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