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White House

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Report: Iran Approaching Immunity Zone2012-August-10
White House: We Agree with Prime Minister Netanyahu that the Iranian Regime Has to Abandon Its Nuclear Weapons Ambitions2012-August-02
Obama Authorizes Secret U.S. Support for Syrian Rebels 2012-August-02
White House and Congress Are in Step over Iran Sanctions2012-August-01
Like it or Not, Jerusalem Is Israel's Capital2012-July-27
White House Counterterror Advisor in Israel to Discuss Bulgaria Bombing2012-July-26
Obama Warns Syria Not to Use Chemical Weapons2012-July-24
Secretary of State Clinton Arrives in Israel 2012-July-16
Jordan Grants Asylum to Syrian Pilot Who Defects2012-June-22
Mofaz to Obama: Israel's Broad Coalition Will Enable Renewal of Mideast Talks2012-June-22
Abrams: Israel Bombed Syrian Nuclear Facility Despite U.S. Diplomacy 2012-June-15
Obama Awards Peres Medal of Freedom at White House Dinner 2012-June-14
Peres: The Iranian People Are Not Our Enemy (Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs)2012-June-14
Obama: Abbas May Not Want Peace 2012-June-06
U.S. Remains Opposed to Military Action in Syria 2012-May-30
White House Assures Jewish Leaders on Iran2012-May-23
Ross: Iran Must "Stop Clock" to Show It's Serious 2012-May-15
Abbas' Police State2012-May-01
Obama: The Holocaust Was a Crime Unique in Human History2012-April-24
Nuclear Issue Puts Focus on Ayatollah's Remarks2012-April-20
U.S. Searches for a "Plan B" in Syria2012-April-19
Uneasy Quiet Descends on Syria; New Calls for Protests2012-April-12
White House: "The Window Is Closing on Iran"2012-April-10
Iranian Complicity in 9/11? 2012-April-05
White House Denies Leaking Info on Israeli Access to Azeri Airbases2012-April-02
Hard Line on Iran Places White House in a Bind2012-March-30
Making a Federal Case Out of Jerusalem 2012-March-30
U.S. and Turkey to Step Up "Nonlethal" Aid to Rebels in Syria2012-March-26
Obama Calls Abbas to Discuss Middle East Peace2012-March-20
Washington and Israel on Iran: Unresolved Differences 2012-March-19
Obama: Window for Diplomatic Solution to Iran Nuclear Standoff Is "Shrinking"2012-March-15
What Does "Having Israel's Back" Mean?2012-March-08
The Myth of Crippling Sanctions2012-March-08
On Iran, Questions of Detection and Response Divide U.S. and Israel 2012-March-07
Netanyahu, Obama Discuss Iran at White House2012-March-06
Healing the U.S.-Israeli Trust Deficit2012-March-06
Obama to AIPAC: "I Do Not Have a Policy of Containment" for Iran2012-March-05
Gray Area Between the Red Lines2012-March-05
Can an American President Promise Preventive War to Assuage an Ally?2012-March-05
Netanyahu to Seek Broad Agreement with Obama2012-March-02
U.S. Considers New Message on Iran2012-February-28
Obama Administration Takes Back Seat on Iran Sanctions2012-February-20
Obama Administration to Seek Waiver on UNESCO Funding Ban 2012-February-17
Congress Ready to Increase Israel Missile-Defense Funding2012-February-15
The Obama Administration's Syrian Double Standard2012-February-10
Obama Imposes Freeze on Iran Property in U.S. 2012-February-07
Egyptians Cancel Meetings with U.S. Lawmakers after Aid Warnings2012-February-07
Obama: "America Is Determined to Prevent Iran from Getting a Nuclear Weapon"2012-January-25
U.S. Boosts Military Presence in Persian Gulf2012-January-13
U.S. Condemns Bomb Attack on Iran Nuclear Scientist2012-January-12

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