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Video: Lessons from Israel's Response to Terrorism2017-June-30
Is the Tunisian "Arab Spring" about to Repeat in Morocco?2017-June-29
Iran Launches "Hizbullah Syria" to Open a New Front Against Israel on the Golan Heights2017-June-28
Whatever Happened to the Term "Palestinian State?"2017-June-28
Video: Israel Had No International Border before the 1967 War. New Defensible Lines Needed to Be Negotiated-2017-June-27
The ISIS Attack on Iran's Parliament - A Challenge to Rouhani 2017-June-23
New Palestinian Attempt at UNESCO to Claim Hebron and the Patriarch's Tomb as a Palestinian Site 2017-June-20
From Cape Town to Jerusalem 2017-June-19
Did the Palestinians Stop Payments to Terrorist Convicts and Martyrs' Families?2017-June-14
To Resolve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Dismantle the Palestinian Refugee Camps First2017-June-13
The Jewish Connection to Jerusalem 2017-June-12
Rouhani's Second Term: On a Collision Course with the Revolutionary Guards2017-June-08
Question of the Day: Did Jibril Rajoub Say on Israeli TV that the Western Wall Should Be under Jewish Control?2017-June-06
Iran's Foreign Legion in Syria2017-June-02
The Psychological Profile of the Palestinian "Lone Wolf" Terrorist 2017-May-30
Sinai Bedouin Accuse Hamas of Collaborating with ISIS2017-May-29
Finding a "Zone of Possible Agreement" for Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations2017-May-23
Israel Wants Trump to Stop Palestinian Payments to Prisoners and Families of "Martyrs"2017-May-19
U.S. Policy on Recognizing Israel's Capital 2017-May-19
A Proposal for a Trump Initiative for the Economic Development of the West Bank and Gaza2017-May-16
Israeli Priorities Ahead of Trump's Visit 2017-May-15
What Does Hamas' New Political Document Say?2017-May-09
U.S. Pressures Abbas to End Controversial Payments to Terrorists' Families 2017-May-08
Video: Abbas, UNESCO, and the Test of Diplomacy2017-May-08
Sinai Bedouin Aligning with Egypt Against ISIS2017-May-05
UNESCO's Latest Resolution on Jerusalem: Much of the Same2017-May-04
Video: From Time Immemorial - The Everlasting Jewish Tie to the Land of Israel2017-May-03
How Hamas Exploits Israel's Humanitarian Efforts2017-April-26
Abbas vs. Barghouti 2017-April-24
Heinrich Himmler's Telegram of November 2, 1943, the Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, to Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem 2017-April-24
The Legacy of the Taliban: Sunni Allies of Teheran 2017-April-21
Will the Palestinian Prisoner Hunger Strike Succeed?2017-April-20
Who is Marwan Barghouti?2017-April-19
Will Egypt Adopt New Tactics to Fight Radical Islamists?2017-April-18
Rising Tensions in Gaza after PA Cuts Salaries2017-April-13
Does the U.S. Attack in Syria Risk a Regional War?2017-April-10
Arab States and Israel Welcome U.S. Strikes on Syria Airbase 2017-April-07
Revised Hamas Charter Not Acceptable to Gaza Leadership2017-April-05
Knesset Members Seek to Block Payments to Terrorists and Their Families2017-April-05
Hamas Covers Up Its Failures2017-April-03
The Chinese Approach to Radical Islam2017-March-31
Can Egypt Drive Moderate Arab States to Talk Mideast Peace?2017-March-31
New Moves toward a Peace Agreement Must Consider Israeli Public Opinion2017-March-30
Israeli-Palestinian Coordination Against Hamas2017-March-29
New Poll: Decrease in Support among Israeli Jews for Withdrawal from the West Bank and the Establishment of a Palestinian State 2017-March-28
Does the Assassination of a Senior Hamas Member in Gaza Mean Escalation?2017-March-27
Mahmoud Abbas Against Freedom of Expression 2017-March-24
Lessons from Israel's Response to Terrorism2017-March-24
The Palestinian Pay-for-Slay System2017-March-22
Video: Rex Tillerson's Warnings to North Korea Reached the Middle East2017-March-22

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