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Was the Balfour Declaration Legal?2017-March-17
Trump's Envoy Visits an Anxious Ramallah 2017-March-15
Winston Churchill's Defense of the Balfour Declaration (1921)2017-March-10
Israel and the Problem of Intersectional Thinking 2017-March-07
Lebanon's Army and Hizbullah Join Ranks 2017-March-03
Yemen Has Become Iran's Testing Ground for New Weapons2017-March-03
Stop PA Pensions for Terrorists2017-February-28
Video: The False Narrative of Iranian Moderation2017-February-24
Does Hamas' New Leader Portend War in Gaza?2017-February-17
Iran Continues to Call for Israel's Destruction Despite Nuclear Deal 2017-February-16
Iran Grabs the Reins in Gaza2017-February-15
"The Two-State Solution": What Does It Really Mean? 2017-February-14
ISIS Worries about a Hamas-Egypt Detente2017-February-13
Video: Can the Question of Palestinian Refugees Ever Be Resolved2017-February-10
Hamas Prepares for the Next Round of War2017-February-07
Can the Palestinians Mobilize the Arab World on the U.S. Embassy Issue?2017-February-01
Approval of New Housing in Jerusalem Will Have No Impact on Israeli-Palestinian Peace2017-January-31
Stop American Aid to the Palestinians until the Terror Ceases2017-January-30
Russia Seeks Another Mediterranean Naval Base in Libya2017-January-27
Video: Rethinking the Iran Agreement2017-January-26
A Palestinian National Unity Government? 2017-January-25
The Dangers of a Unilateral Israeli Withdrawal from the West Bank and Eastern Jerusalem2017-January-24
Unilateral Withdrawal from the West Bank and Eastern Jerusalem - Legal Observations2017-January-24
The Trump Administration: A Turning Point in Middle East Policy?2017-January-20
Ex-IDF Officer: Time to Stop PA Terror and Martyr Payments2017-January-18
The Threat of Radical Islamic Terrorism Is the Same in Europe and Israel2017-January-13
A Life of Degradation and Bitterness under Fatah Rule - A letter from a West Bank Palestinian attorney2017-January-13
Debunking Eleven More False Assumptions Regarding Israel2017-January-11
Was ISIS Behind the Terrorist Attack in Jerusalem?2017-January-10
Video: The Only Way to End the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict2017-January-09
Video: The UN Is Ignoring the Real Violators of the Geneva Convention Who Are Changing the Demographic Makeup of Syria2017-January-03
The Dangers of UN Security Council Resolution 2334 (2016)2016-December-27
Israel Summons U.S. Ambassador over UN Vote2016-December-26
Video: UN Resolution Contravenes the Oslo Agreement and Empowers Israel's Enemies2016-December-26
Was U.S. Policy on Israel and the UN Changing? 2016-December-23
How Did Israeli Settlements Become a Legally Contentious Issue at the UN?2016-December-22
An Existential Battle for the Demographic Future of Syria2016-December-21
Resurgent Terror in Egypt 2016-December-20
Dershowit: Support for Israel Must Remain Bipartisan2016-December-15
Israel-Azerbaijan Relations: Discreet But Close2016-December-14
Trump's Big Decision on Iran2016-December-13
Still Awaiting Israeli-Egyptian Normalization 2016-December-07
A French Turn to the Right?2016-December-01
Israelis' Hopes and Expectations for Donald Trump2016-November-30
The Battle Over the Balfour Declaration, 100 Years Later2016-November-30
Video - Dore Gold: Britain Should Be Proud of What It Did in 1917 When It Allowed the Jewish People to Restore Their Ancient Homeland2016-November-30
Why Is Europe Turning a Blind Eye to Arab-Muslim Occupation?2016-November-29
Refuting Balfour's Detractors 2016-November-28
Abbas in a Race Against Time to Choose Successor2016-November-25
Abbas Wants to Integrate His Sons into the Fatah Leadership2016-November-25

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