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Iran in the Post-Nuclear Deal Era: Iranian Dissidents' Perspective2016-May-09
Protecting the Status of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem 2016-May-06
British Policy, Jews and Israel2016-May-05
The Internal Palestinian Fight for Jerusalem 2016-April-19
Where Hawks and Doves Fly Together2016-April-15
Even If U.S. Doesn't Cast Veto, Palestinian UN Initiative Unlikely to Have Impact2016-April-12
Is Turkey Planning to Destabilize Lebanon?2016-March-29
Video: Will ISIS Seek to Deter Russia after Losses in Syria2016-March-28
Watch Out, Jewish Students: The Anti-Israel Movement Will Boycott You Next 2016-March-25
Impact of the AIPAC Conference in Washington2016-March-23
Video: Israel Cannot Withdraw from West Bank and Golan Heights2016-March-18
Hamas Hopes for a Seaport 2016-March-11
The Two States in the West Bank and Gaza Annul the Two-State Solution 2016-March-10
The Pillars of Palestinian National Identity 2016-March-07
Palestinian Authority Funding to Terrorists and Their Families2016-March-04
The Knife and the Message: The Roots of the New Palestinian Uprising2016-February-29
Earthquakes of the Middle East2016-February-25
"BDS Is Anti-Semitic"; "It Poisons the Atmosphere"2016-February-19
The Moral Relativism of the United Nations2016-February-05
The Palestinians' Post-Attack Incitement Industry2016-February-04
France Undermines the Oslo Accords It Witnessed 2016-February-03
The 2016 Election: Jews and Their Politics2016-February-02
The Iranian Penetration of Iraqi Kurdistan 2016-January-25
Explaining the Islamic State Phenomenon 2016-January-22
Are There Double Standards in Israel's Application of the Rule of Law in the Territories? 2016-January-21
Video: One Year after the Assassination of Alberto Nisman2016-January-21
The Psychology of "Lone Wolf" Palestinian Arab Violence2016-January-15
Palestinian Leadership Encourages Knifings and Car-Rammings Against Israelis2016-January-13
BDS: A Weapon of Islamic Warfare2016-January-08
The Failures of the International Community in the Middle East since the Sykes-Picot Agreement, 1916-20162016-January-07
A Century after Sykes-Picot: Strategic and Geopolitical Aspects2016-January-07
Iranian-Saudi Relations before the Abyss2016-January-06
Video: As the Mideast Descends into Chaos, Israel Must Have Defensible Borders2016-January-05
How to Block the Ongoing Palestinian Terror Wave2016-January-04
The Palestinian Authority Will Find No Friend in ISIS2015-December-28
Impartial EU Labeling Would Inspire Israeli Trust2015-December-25
"State of Palestine" Passports? Another Violation of the Oslo Accords2015-December-24
Will the West Defend Its Own Values Against Radical Islam?2015-December-23
Sweden and Israel: A History of Tense Relations2015-December-15
Connecting the Terror in Paris with the Terror Against Israel2015-December-14
Fatah, with Mahmoud Abbas at the Helm, Confirms the Confrontation Strategy toward Israel 2015-December-09
Important Things to Remember about the 1947 Partition Plan 2015-December-01
The Current "Spontaneous" Intifada Is Orchestrated by the Palestinian Leadership2015-November-30
Outlawing the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel 2015-November-26
Hamas Looks Beyond Jerusalem...to Rome and Beyond2015-November-25
Iran Is Part of the Problem in Syria, Not Part of the Solution2015-November-24
Are There Any Moderate Rebels in Syria? 2015-November-23
Will Cameras on the Temple Mount Work?2015-November-19
Has France's All-Out War on Terror Really Begun?2015-November-16
Will the French Anti-Boycott Law Lead to a Pan-European Law?2015-November-13

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