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Washington Institute for Near East Policy

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The Next War with Hizbullah2007-August-22
U.S.-Backed Campaign Against Hamas Expands to Charities2007-August-21
The Smarter Way to Target Iran2007-August-20
The Failure of Middle Eastern Studies in America2007-August-17
UN Peacekeepers in Southern Lebanon: One Year After the War2007-August-17
In the Debate Over Iran, More Calls for a Tougher U.S. Stance2007-August-09
Undercutting a Culture of Militancy: Designating Hamas Charities as Terrorist Organizations2007-August-09
What to Do about Teheran's Money-Laundering2007-August-02
The Iran-Hizbullah Alliance2007-August-01
How Supreme Is Iran's Supreme Leader? 2007-July-26
Can Fatah Compete with Hamas?2007-July-17
Hamas' Hidden Economy2007-July-04
Making Iran Feel the Pain 2007-July-02
In the Wake of the Hamas Coup: Rethinking America's "Grand Strategy" for the New Palestinian Authority2007-June-27
Hamas and the Second Six-Day War: Implications, Challenges, and Opportunities2007-June-19
Syria's Export of Terrorism to Lebanon: Threat and Response2007-June-15
Turkish Force of 250,000 Set for Kurds2007-June-07
Gaza: The Next Terrorist Safe Haven?2007-June-03
Iran's Fear of a Velvet Revolution 2007-May-31
The Real Battle for Lebanon Will Take Place at the UN2007-May-25
The Next Mideast War?2007-May-03
Through the Veil: The Role of Broadcasting in U.S. Public Diplomacy toward Iranians 2007-April-27
Ahmadinejad Was a Loser in the British Hostage Crisis2007-April-25
Approach Tehran with Sticks, Not Carrots 2007-April-20
Iraqi Refugees in Jordan: Cause for Concern in a Pivotal State2007-April-19
Statecraft Requires a Reality Check2007-April-10
Tehran Likely to Pay Long-Term Price2007-April-05
How Long Can the Palestinian Unity Government Last?2007-April-05
U.S. Tells Syria to Stop Bombers Crossing into Iraq2007-March-29
Iran Feels Pinch as Major Banks Curtail Business2007-March-26
Assessing the New Palestinian Unity Government: A Step Forward or Back?2007-March-23
Pulling Tehran's Purse Stings: Leveraging Sanctions and Market Forces to Alter Iranian Behavior 2007-March-16
Putin's New Friends: Moscow Hosts Hamas2007-March-16
Why Does Syria Need Two Ambassadors in Washington?2007-March-08
A Crack in the Wall of Denial 2007-February-21
How to Sanction Iran2007-February-20
Hamas' Victory: From Gaza to Mecca2007-February-20
Next Steps in the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process 2007-February-16
Teaching Terror: How Hamas Radicalizes Palestinian Society 2007-February-16
The Mecca Accord (Part I): The Victory of Unity over Progress2007-February-13
The Mecca Accord (Part II): Implications for Arabs, Israel, and U.S. Policy 2007-February-13
Prosecuting Terrorism Supporters: Lessons from a Recent Verdict 2007-February-09
Lessons from the Palestinian "War" Against Israel 2007-January-26
Holocaust Honor for Arab Who Saved Jews from Nazis2007-January-24
Analyst: Arabs Want to Talk with Israel2007-January-23
International Pressure Emboldens Tehran's Domestic Critics2007-January-19
How to Engage Syria, If You Must2007-January-19
The Case Against Talks with Syria2007-January-11
Don't Play with Maps2007-January-09
Syria Poised to Assert Itself 2006-December-29

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