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UN Security Council Resolution 242 Established that Israel Was Entitled to Defensible Borders2015-May-26
Iran Seeks a Foothold in Iraq's Sunni Anbar Province2015-May-22
UN Failure in Southern Lebanon Will Lead to Future Civilian Casualties2015-May-21
The Lessons of the Syrian Chemical Weapons Discovery 2015-May-19
How the IDF Watches a Thousand Boats and Knows Which Belong to Hizbullah2015-May-18
Jerusalem: Delusions of Division2015-May-18
The Status of Western Military Aid to Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga Forces 2015-May-12
Draft International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Anti-Semitism 2015-May-11
Escalation in Syria2015-May-05
Israeli Security Policy in Syria2015-May-04
Hizbullah Seeking to Recruit Druze for Golan Heights Front2015-May-01
Experts View Rising Tensions on Israel's Northern Border2015-April-28
France's Position on the Emerging Nuclear Agreement with Iran2015-April-24
Holocaust Denial Is Alive and Well in Iran2015-April-20
Killing Americans and their Allies: Iran's Continuing War against the U.S. and the West2015-April-17
Khamenei Redefines Iran's Red Lines for Nuclear Talks2015-April-16
The Flawed Underpinnings of the New Nuclear Understandings with Iran 2015-April-07
Behind the Saudi Military Intervention in Yemen 2015-April-01
Iran Takes Over Iraq and Threatens Jordan 2015-March-27
Israel and Gaza: Why Economic Sanctions Are Not Collective Punishment 2015-March-18
The Palestinian Authority's New Economic Strategy2015-March-13
Unveiling New Iranian Missile Meant to Coincide with Nuclear Talks2015-March-10
How Real Is the Threat to Cut Palestinian Security Cooperation with Israel? 2015-March-09
Iran Deploys Afghan Shiite Force to Spread Its Control in Southern Syria2015-March-04
A Bad Agreement with Iran Will Undermine Middle East Stability2015-March-02
Will Egypt Bomb Gaza?2015-February-27
Egypt Left to Fight Alone Against Islamist Terrorism2015-February-27
Egyptian President Sisi Calls for Reform of Islam2015-February-20
Can the West Rely on Iran? 2015-February-16
Anatomy of a Bad Iran Deal: A Preliminary Assessment2015-February-13
The Palestinian ICC Gambit and the EU Call for a Return to Negotiations2015-February-12
Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan Refuses to Condemn the Islamic State for Killing Jordanian Pilot2015-February-10
Syrian Rebel Document Confirms Iranian-Hizbullah Military Presence in Syrian Golan Heights2015-February-09
How the UN Mixes Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust, and Israeli War Crimes2015-February-06
Is Iran an Existential Threat to Israel? 2015-February-06
The UN Commission of Inquiry on Gaza Violates Accepted International Norms 2015-February-05
Shelve the Schabas Report 2015-February-04
Iran and Hizbullah Mourn Mughniyeh and Plan Revenge Worldwide 2015-February-02
Iranian Expansionism and the Nuclear Talks 2015-January-30
North African Fighters in the Syrian and Iraqi Conflict2015-January-30
Muhammad Dahlan and the Succession Battle for the PA Chairmanship2015-January-28
Israeli Delegation Visits India to Strengthen Strategic Relationship 2015-January-23
The Long Arm: Iran Is Expanding Its Influence Abroad2015-January-23
International Criminal Court Opens Inquiry into Possible War Crimes in Palestinian Territories: A Response to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon2015-January-22
Attack in Golan Exposes Iran's Growing Presence along Israel's Borders2015-January-20
Video: The AMIA Bombing in Buenos Aires - Its Cover-Up and Investigation2015-January-20
The Attacks in France: An Isolated Incident or the Start of a Global War?2015-January-16
Implications of a Visit by Senior Islamic Official to Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque 2015-January-12
With Talks on Ice, Palestinians' Mahmoud Abbas Declares Diplomatic War on Israel 2015-January-12
UN Approves PA for ICC2015-January-08

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