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Hamas Policemen in Gaza Doubled as Terrorists2009-April-03
The Use of Mosques for Military Purposes2009-March-16
The Battle for Hearts and Minds2009-January-27
Aerial Photographs Show Rocket-Launching Sites and Terrorist Bases in the Heart of Civilian Gaza Neighborhoods2009-January-26
Iranian Support of Hamas2009-January-20
Hamas Exploitation of Civilians as Human Shields 2009-January-06
Striking Deep into Israel, Hamas Employs an Upgraded Arsenal2009-January-02
Intelligence Briefing: Attacks on Terrorist Targets in Gaza2009-January-01
Map: The Increasing Range of Palestinian High-Trajectory Fire Against Israeli Cities and Towns2008-December-22
Exporting the Iranian Revolution to Lebanon2008-December-12
Hizbullah Disputes Legitimacy of Israel-Lebanon International Border 2008-November-21
Palestinian Security Services Carry Out Intensive Activity in the Hebron District 2008-November-20
Significant Erosion of Gaza Lull Arrangement2008-November-19
Hamas Opens Second Satellite TV Channel 2008-November-19
Hamas Introducing New Legal Code Based on Islamic Religious Law 2008-November-14
Hamas' Vicious AqsaTube 2008-October-24
Hamas' "AqsaTube" Glorifies Terrorism Online2008-October-16
Women Train for Combat and Suicide Bombing in Gaza2008-September-10
Photos from Hamas Summer Camp: Campers Receiving Paramilitary Training 2008-August-29
One Month into the Lull with Hamas in Gaza 2008-July-28
The War on Financing Hamas Terrorism 2008-July-16
Contemporary Arab-Muslim Anti-Semitism 2008-April-22
Hamas in Largest Arms Buildup Yet2008-April-10
Palestinian Terrorist Leader Admits Israeli Security Fence Blocks Suicide Bombing Attacks 2008-March-27
Palestinian Civilians Answer Hamas Call to be Human Shields2008-March-05
Hit On "Most Wanted" Terrorist Sends Message2008-February-15
Palestinian Media Continue Incitement Against Israel in Contravention of Roadmap 2008-January-23
The Hate Industry: Gaza Children Encouraged to Kiss Corpses of Terrorist "Martyrs" 2007-December-27
Palestinian Islamic Jihad Under Attack in Gaza2007-December-25
The Amnesty Plan for Fatah Operatives on Israel's Wanted List - Interim Summary2007-November-22
Educating for Violence2007-November-13
Ethical Dilemmas in Counterterrorism2007-November-02
Hamas TV Indoctrinating Children for Holy War 2007-September-06
The Islamization of Gaza under Hamas2007-September-04
One Year Since the End of the Second Lebanon War2007-August-14
How Hizbullah and Hamas Exploit the Internet in the Battle for Hearts and Minds2007-August-03
283 Palestinian Rockets from Gaza Hit Israel During May, Up from 68 in April and 34 in March2007-June-06
Hizbullah Deputy Chief: Rockets Fired at Israel Required Iranian Approval 2007-May-09
Hamas: Abbas Does Not Have Authority to Negotiate with Israel, We Will Oppose Any Agreement2007-April-30
The Hate Industry: Articles and Cartoons in the Jordanian Press2007-April-27
Hamas Spokesman Calls for the "Liberation of Palestine" Through Terrorism2007-April-13
Using the Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guards to Export the Revolution2007-April-04
The New PA Government: Composition, Platform, and Implications2007-March-21
The Implementation of Security Council Resolution 1701 (Lebanon Cease-Fire) - Six Months Later2007-March-06
Hamas Upgrades Internet Sites in the Battle for Hearts and Minds2007-February-27
Hizbullah: We Are Rearming and Transporting Arms to South Lebanon2007-February-26
The Hamas-Syria-Iran Axis2006-December-15
Whose War Crimes? Evidence from Lebanon about How Terrorists Use Civilians2006-December-11
Head of Islamic Jihad: Israel's Security Fence Blocking Suicide Bombings2006-November-20
A Festival of Hate - World Jerusalem Day 2006-November-08

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