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The Islamic State Ends the Centuries-Old Christian Presence in Mosul, Iraq 2014-August-04
Did Iran Scuttle the Cease-Fire in Gaza? 2014-August-03
Israel's Doctrine of Proportionality in Gaza2014-August-01
UNRWA: An Agenda for Conflict2014-July-31
Israel-Hamas Conflict: Differences Over Calls to Demilitarize Gaza2014-July-30
The Underground War on Israel2014-July-28
Both Egypt and Israel Want to Subdue Hamas2014-July-27
Hamas May Be Alienating Other Arabs, But It's Making New Friends in the West2014-July-25
Hizbullah's Plan for Underground War on Israel2014-July-25
Unseen Scars of War: Psychological Consequences of the Hamas Attacks on the Israeli Civilian Population 2014-July-25
The Latest Hamas-Israel Confrontation - Some Pertinent Legal Points2014-July-24
Hamas' Attack Tunnels: Initial Implications 2014-July-23
The Similarity between Hamas and ISIS 2014-July-17
Iran: The Regional Power behind the Hamas War Effort2014-July-15
How Long Can Israel's Air Campaign Go On?2014-July-11
"The Father of Iran's Revolutionary Guard's Missile Program Is Firing at Tel Aviv"2014-July-11
Long-Range Iranian-Made Missiles Used by Hamas during "Operation Protective Edge"2014-July-09
Behind the Rioting in Jerusalem 2014-July-04
What Does an Islamic Caliphate in Iraq Mean?2014-July-01
The Danger of ISIS to the West2014-June-30
The Hostage Crisis and Palestinian Manipulation2014-June-27
1,000 Chinese Jihadists Training in Pakistan2014-June-25
ISIS: Iran's Instrument for Regional Hegemony?2014-June-20
Demographic Upheaval: How the Syrian War is Reshaping the Region2014-June-18
Palestinians and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 2014-June-17
Is the Fall of Mosul in Iraq to the Jihadists a "Game Changer"?2014-June-12
Inspections: The Weak Link in a Nuclear Agreement with Iran2014-June-11
"Cold-blooded Murder" or a War on Terror"2014-June-09
Sissi's Election as President: What Does It Mean for Egypt?2014-June-06
Iran Launches "Hizbullah Syria" to Open a New Front Against Israel on the Golan Heights2014-June-03
Europe's Complacency in the Face of Extremism and Anti-Semitism 2014-May-28
Video: Is the EU Deploying a Double Standard toward Israel?2014-May-26
On Middle East Visit, Pope Will Find a Diminished Christian Population 2014-May-23
Middle Eastern Christians: Battered, Violated, and Abused, Do They Have Any Chance of Survival?2014-May-23
Boko Haram and the Future of Nigeria 2014-May-16
Palestinian Reconciliation and the Rising Power of Hamas and Islamic Jihad: An Iranian Windfall2014-May-14
Iran Claims to Have Replicated Downed Advanced American Drone2014-May-13
The Rock and Roll Boycott of Israel2014-May-09
Iranian Strategy Feeds Off Perceived Western Weakness2014-May-01
The Myth of the Moderate Hamas 2014-April-27
The Hamas-Fatah Accord: A Legal Perspective2014-April-27
Egypt and Saudi Arabia Battle the Jihadist Current2014-April-25
Fatah Issues Threats Against Egypt and Other Arab States2014-April-23
Israel's Relationship with the UN Human Rights Council: Is There Hope for Change? 2014-April-18
Palestinian Deception and the Unwarranted Trust of the West: The Case of Palestinian Accession to International Conventions2014-April-17
35 Years of Cold Peace with Egypt2014-April-16
"Occupied Territories" Is a Flawed and Biased Term2014-April-11
The Crisis in the Peace Talks Was Pre-Planned by the Palestinians2014-April-10
Palestinian Defiance of Washington 2014-April-07
Mahmoud Abbas Rejects Even Discussing the Rights of the Jewish People to a State2014-March-27

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