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White House

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Security and Skepticism for Bush in Ramallah2008-January-11
Bush in Israel: Palestinian State Cannot Be Launching Pad for Terrorists2008-January-10
No Great Miracle During Bush's Visit2008-January-10
Iran Speedboats "Threatened Suicide Attack on U.S. Warships" in Strait of Hormuz 2008-January-08
Bush Trip Gave Irresistible Urge to Tweak Tail of Superpower 2008-January-08
Bush: Iran Could Easily Have Another Nuclear Weapons Program2008-January-07
Bush: NIE Means Iran Is a Threat2008-January-07
Libya Officially Welcomed Back to the U.S. Fold2008-January-04
Preparing for the Bush Visit 2008-January-04
Bush: Patience with Syria's Assad Ran Out Long Ago2007-December-21
President Bush to Travel to Middle East2007-December-19
CIA Has Recruited Iranians to Defect2007-December-11
Notes from Iranian Military Deliberations Led to U.S. Shift2007-December-06
Bush Tells Iran to Disclose Nuclear Activities2007-December-06
Bush: New Report Shows Iran Is Still a Threat2007-December-05
U.S. Renews Efforts to Keep Coalition Against Tehran2007-December-05
Bush to Visit Mideast in January2007-December-05
Was Bush Behind the Iran Report?2007-December-05
U.S. Finds Iran Halted Its Nuclear Arms Effort in 20032007-December-04
U.S.: Syria Must Give Up Support for Terror2007-November-30
Bush at Annapolis2007-November-30
Olmert: Israel Not Committed to Any Deadline2007-November-29
Bush at Annapolis: Two Democratic States Living Side by Side2007-November-28
Joint Israel-PLO Understanding Read by President Bush at Annapolis Conference2007-November-28
For Gaza Rocket Crews, Violence Is a Way of Life 2007-November-28
Bush: U.S. Cannot Impose Its Vision of Peace2007-November-27
Diplomacy with the Devil2007-November-19
The Palestinian Authority and the Jewish Holy Sites in the West Bank: Rachel's Tomb as a Test Case2007-November-14
Annapolis: A Journey to La-La Land 2007-November-09
Bush: Missile Defense Needed to Cope with Growing Iranian Threat2007-October-24
Bush: Prevent Iran from Getting Nuclear Weapons to Avoid World War III2007-October-18
White House: Al-Qaeda Expected to Intensify Efforts to Infiltrate U.S.2007-October-11
Israeli Strike on Syria Kindles Debate in U.S.2007-October-10
Dual Loyalties2007-September-28
Israel Lobby's Pull Pales Next to Evil Saudi Input2007-September-28
Bush at UN: Support Moderate Palestinians, Reform UN Human Rights Council 2007-September-26
Saudi Arabia and the U.S.: Reluctant Bedfellows in a Strategic Embrace2007-September-26
Forsaking the Egyptian Free Press2007-September-25
No Place for That Photo-Op2007-September-24
Israel, U.S. Shared Data on Suspected Nuclear Site, Bush Was Told of North Korean Presence in Syria 2007-September-21
Ahmadinejad Denied Bid to Visit Ground Zero 2007-September-20
Orthodox Jew Tapped as U.S. Attorney General2007-September-20
The Lobby2007-August-28
Slow Going for Rice2007-August-03
U.S. Arms Plan for Mideast Aims to Counter Iranian Power2007-July-31
Scant Details as Rice Lobbies for Mideast Meeting2007-July-30
Hamas Aims to Capitalize on Intelligence Gains from Gaza Takeover2007-July-30
To Check Syria, U.S. Explores Bond with Muslim Brothers2007-July-27
A Very Real Threat: Iran2007-July-20
Bush's Middle East Meeting "Not a Peace Conference"2007-July-18

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