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EU-Israel Ties Growing, Despite Disagreements2014-March-25
Changing the Historical Narrative: Saeb Erekat's New Spin2014-March-24
Has Mahmoud Abbas Really Accepted the Clinton Parameters on the Refugee Problem?2014-March-20
Iran's Fortunes Rising in a Middle East Vacuum2014-March-19
Arafat and the Jewish State: Setting the Record Straight2014-March-17
Abbas Uses Fatah Speech to Reject U.S. Plan 2014-March-14
The Other Iranian Weapons Smuggling in the Middle East 2014-March-11
Japan and the Palestinian Authority: Foreign Policy and Economic Interest 2014-March-05
Fundamental Facts Underlying the Peace Process2014-March-04
Egyptian Field Marshal Sisi: A Profile 2014-February-28
How Nuclear Talks Help Iran Dominate the Middle East2014-February-26
The Impotence of Foreign Forces 2014-February-25
Back into an Embrace with the Russian Bear2014-February-24
The Impending Clash between Iran and Saudi Arabia2014-February-19
What Is the Real BDS Endgame? The Elimination of Israel2014-February-13
Palestinian Forces Raid West Bank Refugee Camps 2014-February-12
Future EU Sanctions Against Israel? Real, Imagined, and Somewhere in Between2014-February-12
Erekat Is Wrong: The Jewish Presence in the Land Dates Back for Millennia2014-February-03
Is Hizbullah about to Withdraw from Syria?2014-January-29
Foreign Jihadists Fighting in Syria: An Overview of the Danger2014-January-24
The Syrian Constellation before the Geneva 2 Peace Talks2014-January-22
Region Boiling, Israel Takes Up Castle Strategy2014-January-20
The Internal Iranian Struggle in the Aftermath of the Geneva Nuclear Agreement2014-January-17
Iran Honors Hizbullah Commanders - Further Details 2014-January-15
Abbas Denies His Authority to Make Cardinal Decisions for a Lasting Peace Agreement2014-January-13
No End to Palestinian Claims: How Israel and the Palestinians View Borders 2014-January-08
Multiplying Efforts to Undermine the Unique Status of Mecca in Islam2014-January-07
Israel's Rights in the Territorial Dispute with the Palestinians 2014-January-03
Hamas: Abbas Does Not Represent the Palestinians in Negotiations2013-December-31
How the Middle East Map Changed in 20132013-December-30
Sworn to Destruction: 20 Threats Iranian Leaders Made Against Israel in 20132013-December-25
Support the Palestinians Who Want to Live in Peace2013-December-20
Conflicting Expectations from the Geneva Document between the P5+1 and Iran2013-December-11
Iran and the West: Is the Talk about Rapprochement Warranted?2013-December-06
The Geneva Agreement: The Devil Is in the Wider Picture2013-November-29
November 29, 1947 2013-November-29
Iran Looks Beyond the Nuclear Talks2013-November-27
Israel Looks Ahead after Iran Deal 2013-November-25
Egypt's Turn to Russia 2013-November-22
Video: Why Iran Has No Right of Enrichment 2013-November-20
The Emerging Geneva Agreement with Iran 2013-November-12
Israel-Palestinian Talks: Why Fate of Jordan Valley Is Key 2013-November-06
Outside of My Israel "Comfort Zone" 2013-November-01
The Islamic Terrorist Threat in Canada2013-October-31
Poll: Most Israelis Reject Jordan Valley Withdrawal by IDF 2013-October-30
Sisi Fever: Will the General Be the Next President of Egypt? 2013-October-29
Did the Balfour Declaration Launch the Jewish Return to Israel?2013-October-25
Infographic: Iran Ordered Attack on U.S. Marines in Beirut2013-October-23
Iran's First "Charm Offensive" 2013-October-22
Iran vs. the West: Endgame? 2013-October-18

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