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Mahmoud Abbas' "50 Holocausts" Remarks Are Part of the Palestinian Narrative2022-September-01
Is Violent Palestinian "Armed Struggle" Returning to West Bank?2022-September-01
Shots Fired at Two IDF Posts in West Bank 2022-August-29
Israeli Intelligence Experts Urge Preparations for Possible Military Conflict with Iran2022-August-29
When Rockets Hit Israel from Gaza, Egypt Is Partly to Blame2022-August-25
Israel Closes Organizations Linked to Outlawed Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Terrorist Group2022-August-22
Half of Fatalities from IDF Strikes in Gaza Fighting Were Terrorist Operatives2022-August-22
Islamic Jihad Planned to Infiltrate Israel through Tunnels from Gaza2022-August-18
Armed Drones Gave IDF "Surgical" Precision during Recent Gaza Fighting2022-August-18
Palestinian Response to Terror on Israelis Shows Why Peace Is Impossible 2022-August-18
Who Tried to Block U.S. Funding for Iron Dome? 2022-August-18
IDF Renders Hamas Attack Tunnel from Gaza Inoperable2022-August-15
Israel Calls on UN Security Council to Condemn Islamic Jihad for War Crimes 2022-August-11
Islamic Jihad Planned to Attack Israeli Civilian Bus with Anti-Tank Missile 2022-August-11
Islamic Jihad Tried to Launch Drone toward Israel's Tamar Gas Rig2022-August-11
IDF Kills Wanted Palestinian Terrorist in West Bank 2022-August-11
Don't Allow the Terror Organizations in Gaza to Rebuild between Rounds of Fighting2022-August-11
Israel's Astonishing Iron Dome Missile Defense System 2022-August-11
A Nazi Taught Interrogation Tactics to Syrians and Egyptians 2022-August-11
Palestinian Rockets Target Israel ahead of Ceasefire 2022-August-08
Jewish Organizations Worldwide Stand with Israel2022-August-08
The Psychological Warfare of Israel's Gaza Operation 2022-August-08
Iran "Almost Certainly" to Blame for Escalation 2022-August-08
Iran's Malign Hand behind the Scenes in Gaza 2022-August-08
BBC Omits Reason behind Israeli Airstrikes in Gaza2022-August-08
Israel Surprised the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza2022-August-08
IDF Targets Islamic Jihad Leaders2022-August-07
IDF: Our Goal Is to "Mortally Wound" Islamic Jihad2022-August-07
Palestinians in Gaza Fire 580 Rockets at Israel2022-August-07
Second Failed Islamic Jihad Rocket Launch Kills Two, Wounds Seven in Gaza2022-August-07
Disrupting Palestinian Islamic Jihad a Smart Play by Israel 2022-August-07
Will Hamas Join the Fight? 2022-August-07
UN Forces in Lebanon Losing Ground2022-August-07
Israel Deals a Painful Blow to Islamic Jihad2022-August-04
How IDF Is Curbing Palestinian Terrorist Activity in West Bank 2022-August-04
Ethiopian Immigrant to Israel Becomes Top Surgeon 2022-August-04
Does Biden's Israel Visit Signal New U.S. Resolve in the Middle East?2022-August-04
Russia Fired at Israeli Jets during Syria Mission in May2022-July-28
IDF Unveils Hamas Sites to Be Targeted in Future Gaza War2022-July-28
IDF Operating in Nablus after PA Failed to Keep Terror in Check2022-July-28
The Achievements of Israel's Shadow Campaign in Syria2022-July-28
Two Palestinian Gunmen Killed in West Bank2022-July-25
PA Losing Control of Northern West Bank to Fatah and Islamic Jihad Gunmen2022-July-25
Israel Sinks Boat Smuggling Equipment to Hamas from Egypt 2022-July-25
Former IDF Military Intelligence Chief: We Don't Need a Middle East NATO 2022-July-25
Israel Breaks Up Palestinian Terror Network in West Bank 2022-July-21
Israeli Leaders Tour Lebanese Border2022-July-21
The Dangers of a Terrorist-Controlled West Bank2022-July-21
Israeli Expert: Iran Has Already Crossed the Nuclear Threshold 2022-July-21
IDF: Gaza Airstrike Sets Back Hamas Rocket Production2022-July-18

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