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White House

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So Long, Yasser Arafat2004-March-12
Australia Muslim Chief Decries Extremists2004-March-10
U.S. to Slap Sanctions on Syria2004-March-08
U.S. Avoided Attacking Terrorist Mastermind2004-March-05
Senior U.S. Officials Returning to Israel2004-March-03
Rice: Israel Must Remove "Daily Humiliations" of Palestinians2004-March-01
U.S. Trying to Get Europe, Arabs Behind Disengagement Plan2004-February-27
CIA Views "Next Wave" of Terrorism2004-February-25
U.S. Delays Easing Libya Sanctions After PM's Comments2004-February-25
Wrong Court, Wrong Time 2004-February-25
Israel's Sharon is Up to Something in Gaza. But What?2004-February-24
Israel to Seek Political "Compensation" from U.S. for Evacuation 2004-February-23
U.S. Seeks Safeguards for Israel's Gaza Pullout2004-February-18
Sharon Wants U.S. OK to Move Gaza Settlers to West Bank2004-February-06
A Historian's Take on Islam Steers U.S. in Terrorism Fight2004-February-06
The Day the Road Map Died 2004-January-29
U.S. Supports Israel at The Hague2004-January-28
Cheney: Terror is "the Worst Enemy of the Palestinian People"2004-January-26
U.S., Israel Discuss Security Fence 2004-January-23
U.S., Saudi Arabia Fettering Charity Linked to Terrorism 2004-January-23
Why Libya Gave Up on the Bomb 2004-January-23
Bush: A Forward Strategy of Freedom in the Middle East2004-January-21
Cheney: Palestinian Authority Must be Transformed2004-January-16
Banned Arms Flowed into Iraq through Syria: Files Found in Baghdad Describe Deals Violating UN Sanctions2003-December-30
Fleischer Reflects on White House Years2003-December-25
Libya Pledges to Dismantle WMD Program2003-December-22
Military Intelligence on Ceasefire, Impact of Sharon Speech on Palestinians2003-December-22
White House Reaction to Sharon's Speech2003-December-19
Israel Quietly Helps U.S. in Iraq, Aides Say2003-December-12
President Bush on the Geneva Accord and the Powell Meeting2003-December-05
Origins of the Geneva Accord2003-December-04
U.S. Rescinds Part of Loan Guarantees to Israel2003-November-26
U.S. Presses Israel to Stop Work on New Settlements and Barrier2003-November-25
The BBC Meets Its Match2003-November-24
Bush: Abu Mazen's Departure "An Interesting Lesson"2003-November-24
Bush: Need to Build a "Viable Palestinian Democracy"2003-November-20
Israel Urged to Aid Palestinians2003-November-19
U.S. Wants More Changes in Fence Route, May Trim Loans2003-November-14
Bush Views Palestinian Leaders as the Main Obstacle to Peace2003-November-07
U.S., Israel "Agree to Disagree" on Airport Fence2003-November-05
Bush Reviews Middle East Policy2003-October-29
Bush Drops Opposition to Building of Barrier2003-October-24
Al-Amoudi and Those Bags of Libyan Cash2003-October-22
Bush: "Palestinian Authorities Should Have Acted Long Ago to Fight Terror"2003-October-16
Why is the State Department So Cozy with the Saudis?2003-October-13
Panel Approves Sanctions on Syria with White House Support2003-October-09
U.S., Israel Move Toward Common Position on Terror Sponsors2003-October-08
Bush: "Arafat is a Loser"2003-October-08
Arafat: No Way Out2003-October-08
Israeli Actions Signal Change in Strategy2003-October-08

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