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Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Is J Street Misrepresenting Its Real Mission? 2021-January-11
The Makings of the U.S. Recognition of the Moroccan Sahara 2021-January-04
Moroccan-Israeli Peace Addresses Multiple Security Challenges2020-December-28
Breaking the Silence's Report on Roads in the Territories Falsely Assumes the Territory Belongs to the Palestinians 2020-December-24
The Beginnings of the Israel-Morocco Peace Deal2020-December-21
Palestinian Leadership Continues Extreme Position Against Peace2020-November-30
Belgium Supports Illegal Construction in the West Bank and Then Demands Compensation 2020-November-26
Israel Sends Aid to Central America after Hurricane2020-November-19
The Gang-Assault on Israel at the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly 2020-November-19
Biden Should Choose a Secretary of State Who Understands Why Previous Peace Efforts Failed2020-November-12
Israel and Bahrain Formalize Diplomatic Relations2020-October-19
Israel-Lebanon Maritime Boundary Negotiations - Some Unique Aspects 2020-October-12
How Support for Israel Is an American Security Interest 2020-October-05
What Was in the Abraham Accords Signed in Washington?2020-September-29
Why the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Is Uniquely Stable among the Arab States 2020-September-24
Prime Minister Netanyahu to UAE and Bahrain: Thank You for Joining Us in Bringing Hope to All the Children of Abraham2020-September-17
The Abraham Accords May Herald New Security Structures for the Middle East2020-September-17
How to Dismantle the Distorted Western Discourse on Israel2020-September-07
UN Extends UNIFIL Mandate in Lebanon2020-August-31
Netanyahu: UN Security Council's Failure to Join American Snapback Sanctions on Iran Is Outrageous2020-August-27
Israel in Contact with Sudan2020-August-24
Video: Chevron and the Centrality of Energy Diplomacy in the Middle East2020-August-13
The UN "Blacklist" of Commercial Enterprises: Should It Be Taken Seriously? 2020-August-13
The Indigenous Rights of the Jewish People and the 2007 UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People2020-July-23
Greenblatt: French Accusations Against Israel Are an Attack Against the United States2020-June-26
Israel: The International Criminal Court Lack Jurisdiction over the "Situation in Palestine"2020-June-19
Israel Welcomes New U.S. Sanctions on Syria2020-June-18
The Debate over the Future of the Territories 2020-June-16
The U.S. Peace Plan, Political Wisdom and Double Standards 2020-June-11
Attitudes toward Israel Changing in Iranian and Arab Social Media2020-June-04
If Abbas Can Revoke Solemn Obligations over a Knesset Speech, of What Value Are Any Palestinian Commitments?2020-May-28
Can Jordan Revoke Its Peace Treaty with Israel?2020-May-20
Israel and the Jordan Valley2020-May-15
100 Years Since the San Remo Conference 2020-April-23
In the Covid-19 Pandemic, What Are the Reciprocal Israeli and Palestinian Obligations?2020-April-20
International Legal Issues in Preventing the Spread of Contagious Diseases2020-March-25
Israel Flying Israelis Home during Shutdowns 2020-March-24
Security Aspects of the U.S. Peace Plan2020-March-17
The Netherlands Criticizes UN Council's "One-Sided, Anti-Israel" Attitude2020-February-14
Israel Condemns UN Rights Council "Blacklist"2020-February-13
Belgium Invites NGO with Terrorist Ties to UN 2020-February-07
Israel Comes Full Circle with Sudan2020-February-04
Formulating the Peace Plan: "The U.S. Stood with Israel When It Made Cogent Arguments"2020-January-31
White House Sees a Weakened Tehran 2020-January-21
International Holocaust Remembrance Day Almost Didn't Happen 2020-January-21
Italian Opposition Leader Salvini Seeks to Combat Anti-Semitism2020-January-17
Israel Condemns Ukraine's Glorification of Individuals Responsible for the Murder of Jews2020-January-14
The Targeting of Soleimani and International Criticism2020-January-09
Dissecting the U.S. Policy Shift on Jewish West Bank Communities 2020-January-09
Will Turkey Get in the Way of Israeli Gas?2020-January-07

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