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The PLO Never Authorized Abbas to Conduct Proximity Talks2010-May-11
Turkey: Between Ataturk's Secularism and Fundamentalist Islam 2010-May-10
Crisis Along the Nile2010-April-30
A Crisis in U.S.-Israel Relations: Have We Been Here Before? 2010-April-09
UK's Move Against Israel Fits Trend of Appeasing Islam2010-April-01
The Security Implications of Dividing Jerusalem 2010-March-29
Netanyahu Pressed to Resist U.S.2010-March-29
A Bitter Taste in Egypt 2010-March-26
Diplomatic Dispute Obscures Israel's Invaluable Help to U.S. Military 2010-March-24
Report: Not Enough Construction for Jews in Jerusalem2010-March-18
Is Israel a Colonial State? The Political Psychology of Palestinian Nomenclature 2010-March-12
Facing Iran: Lessons Learned Since Iraq's 1991 Missile Attack on Israel 2010-March-09
IDF to Release New Findings Defending Gaza War Strike2010-March-05
Demography, Geopolitics, and the Future of Israel's Capital: Jerusalem's Proposed Master Plan2010-March-03
Is the Iranian Regime Collapsing?2010-February-26
EU to Debate Goldstone Report2010-February-25
Goldstone Commission Military Expert's Anti-Israel Bias Documented2010-February-11
New Revelations about the UN Goldstone Report2010-February-11
A Moral Evaluation of the Gaza War - Operation Cast Lead 2010-February-04
Curbing the Manipulation of Universal Jurisdiction2010-January-20
What Happened to the Jordan Valley?2010-January-18
The Palestinians' Unilateral "Kosovo Strategy": Implications for the PA and Israel 2010-January-14
The Expansion of Al-Qaeda-Affiliated Jihadi Groups in Gaza: Diplomatic Implications2010-January-04
Israel's Foreign Policy in the Shadow of Iran and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict 2010-January-01
Israel Should Seek "Clarifications" from U.S. over PA-Aksa Martyrs Brigades Links2009-December-29
Security Officials Warn Against Release of Terrorists to West Bank2009-December-22
The Challenge of Holocaust Inversion2009-December-18
Has Hizbullah Changed? The 7th Hizbullah General Conference and Its Continued Ideology of Resistance2009-December-15
Europe Seeks to Divide Jerusalem 2009-December-11
Syria and Turkey: Walking Arm in Arm Down the Same Road?2009-December-04
A Paradox of Peacemaking: How Fayyad's Unilateral Statehood Plan Undermines the Legal Foundations of Israeli-Palestinian Diplomacy 2009-November-16
Israel Ready to Resume Peace Talks with Syria Without Preconditions 2009-November-13
The Campaign to Delegitimize Israel with the False Charge of Apartheid2009-November-12
No Secret U.S.-PA Deal for Recognizing Unilaterally Declared Palestinian State 2009-November-09
"The Goldstone Report Distorts the Very Essence of What Israel Stands For" 2009-November-09
View Visual Presentation by Amb. Gold at Gaza Debate 2009-November-06
Israel Accuses Chavez of Turning Venezuela into an Iranian Outpost2009-November-05
Israel Wants Arab "Marshall Plan" to Help Palestinians2009-November-04
PA Prime Minister Planning Palestinian State2009-November-03
Goldstone Didn't Hold Hamas Accountable for Terror 2009-October-21
Iran Will Provide a Nuclear Umbrella for Terrorism2009-October-21
Swedish Reactions to the Anti-Israel Blood Libel Report2009-October-15
Goldstone Report: It Looks Like Law, But It's Just Politics2009-October-15
Kazakhstan: Israel's Partner in Eurasia2009-October-12
Waiting for the Deadline on Iran - Again2009-October-08
Quartet Discards the Principle of Reciprocity in Israeli-Palestinian Agreements2009-October-02
Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's Two-Year Path to Palestinian Statehood: Implications for the Palestinian Authority and Israel 2009-October-02
How Should Israel Respond to the Goldstone Report on Gaza? 2009-September-23
New Study - Blocking the Truth of the Gaza War: How the Goldstone Commission Understated the Hamas Threat to Palestinian Civilians2009-September-18
What Happened to the U.S. Deadline on Iran?2009-September-16

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