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The Shadow War Against Syria's Christians2013-July-03
Egyptian Discourse on Gaza2013-July-01
Educating Gaza's Children for Hatred 2013-June-28
Muslims Trying to Islamize Spain2013-June-28
French, German Police Target Jihadists2013-June-26
In Rocket Attack from Gaza, Islamic Jihad Settles Score with Hamas2013-June-25
Islamic Jihad Rocket Chief Killed by Hamas2013-June-24
Motto of Hamas Summer Camps in Gaza: "The Generation of Return"2013-June-19
Israeli Perspectives on Syria2013-June-19
Israel's Security Policy in a Changing Middle East 2013-June-19
Report: Egypt's Sinai on High Alert 2013-June-18
Egypt Seen to Give Nod toward Jihadis on Syria2013-June-17
Summer Plans2013-June-14
Gaza Kids Play 'Kidnap Israeli Soldier' in Summer Camp2013-June-13
Foreign Militant Islamists Streaming into Syria to Face Hizbullah2013-June-10
Is the Sunni Saudi Kingdom Next? - Joel Brinkley2013-June-10
Islamist Call to Arms Against U.S.2013-June-09
Israel Rushing to Complete Golan Fence 2013-June-07
CNN Whitewashes Soccer-Playing Member of Palestinan Islamic Jihad 2013-June-07
Combating Political Islam 2013-June-07
By Inserting Itself into Syrian War, Hizbullah Makes Dramatic Gamble2013-May-29
Terror Overwhelming Western Intelligence2013-May-29
Sinai Is Becoming a Major Threat to Egypt2013-May-24
Islamists in Syria: How Strong?2013-May-22
Israeli Thinking on the Future of the Assad Regime2013-May-20
Pressure of War Is Causing Syria to Break Apart2013-May-17
The Imminent Hizbullah-Nusra War2013-May-17
Sheikh Qaradawi's Visit to Gaza2013-May-14
Defending "Red Lines" and Defensible Borders 2013-May-10
Majlis Shura al-Mujahidin: Between Israel and Hamas 2013-May-09
Israel's Real Target Is Not Syria But Hizbullah 2013-May-08
UK Worried about British Jihadists in Syria - with Reason 2013-May-03
Opposing Radical Islamist Terrorism Is a Moral Duty2013-May-03
Hamas Military Wing Securing Borders with Israel2013-May-02
Our Shared Islamist Enemy 2013-May-02
U.S. Gains More from Arms Deal 2013-May-01
Hizbullah: Syria's Allies Will Prevent Fall of Assad Regime2013-May-01
Israel Won't Ignore Rocket Attacks from Gaza2013-May-01
Syria: Al-Qaeda's Battle for Control of Assad's Chemical Weapons Plant2013-April-30
IDF Airstrike Kills Top Terrorist in Gaza2013-April-30
Militant Group Sought to Make Sinai an "Islamic Emirate"2013-April-26
On Hamas TV, Children Sing for "Martyrdom"2013-April-25
Israel to the UN: The Prerequisites for Peace2013-April-25
Behind the Rocket Attacks from Sinai2013-April-19
Gazan Salafist: Rocket Attacks on Eilat Part of Ongoing Struggle2013-April-19
Al-Qaeda-Affiliated Terrorists Targeted Eilat 2013-April-18
Al-Qaeda Reveals True Role in Syrian Insurgency Through Al-Nusra 2013-April-11
Israel Security Agency Arrests Israeli Arab who Joined Syrian Rebels2013-April-10
Syria Withdraws Large Numbers of Troops from Golan Heights2013-April-08
Syria Becoming New Cradle for Foreign Extremists2013-April-04

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