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Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Video: The Turkish-Libyan Maritime Agreement and the Struggle over the Mediterranean2019-December-31
Israel Is Using Digital Diplomacy to Reach Out to the Arab World 2019-December-27
ICC Has No Jurisdiction in Proposed Investigation of Israel2019-December-23
Israel Eyes Dubai Expo as Portal to Arab World2019-December-17
Hamas' Use of Israeli Civilians and Remains of IDF Soldiers as Bargaining Chips Is a Clear Violation of Humanitarian Law2019-December-06
Jerusalem's Tomb of the Kings: Did the French Hijack a Jewish Heritage Site?2019-December-04
Israel Dispatches Aid Mission to Albania following Earthquake2019-December-03
Dore Gold: Congressional Letter about Settlement Illegality "Seriously Flawed" 2019-November-27
The Failure of the International Criminal Court (ICC)2019-November-22
How Significant Is the U.S. Declaration on Israeli Settlements? 2019-November-22
The Legality of Israel's Settlements: Flaws in the Carter-Era Hansell Memorandum 2019-November-21
Israel's Rights in the West Bank under International Law 2019-November-19
U.S. Policy Change on Israeli Settlements: A Long Awaited Correction 2019-November-19
Israel Rejects European Court of Justice Ruling2019-November-13
The European Union Labels Itself Biased 2019-November-13
Israel Calls for Comprehensive Change at UN Palestinian Refugee Aid Agency2019-November-07
Former Israeli Chief Justice Meir Shamgar: The Right Man in the Right Place at the Right Time 2019-November-01
After Hurricane, Israel Provides Bahamas with Water Technology2019-October-22
American Withdrawal and the Future of Israeli Security2019-October-17
Discussion of Agreements with Persian Gulf States Seen as Positive2019-October-08
The EU Demonstrates a Distinct Political Bias Against Israel 2019-October-04
Ireland Ignores Palestinian Textbooks that Encourage Hatred of Israelis2019-September-24
Video: Iran Moves Against the Saudis, Dropping the Pretense of a Proxy War2019-September-24
Behind the French Enthusiasm for Iran 2019-September-23
Netanyahu Tells Moscow: Iran Is Stepping Up Attempts to Attack Israel from Syria2019-September-13
Jordan Valley Needed to Protect Israel from Threats to the East 2019-September-12
New Zealand Suspends Funding to UNRWA2019-August-27
A Ha'aretz Columnist Mangles History, Facts, and International Law 2019-August-16
Israeli Embassy in Finland Attacked for 15th Time in Past 18 Months2019-July-26
EU Foreign Affairs Chief Nominee Downplays Iranian Threats to Annihilate Israel2019-July-25
Israel and Korea Are Having a Moment2019-July-17
Israeli President on State Visit to South Korea2019-July-16
Israeli Foreign Minister Visits Abu Dhabi2019-July-02
Did the International Atomic Energy Agency Recognize a Palestinian State? 2019-June-28
The Palestinian Refusal to Attend the Bahrain Economic Workshop Is Irresponsible and Self-Defeating2019-June-20
The Difference between "Retaining" and "Annexing" Territory 2019-June-12
What Did David Friedman Say that Was New?2019-June-12
Palestinian Security Forces Honor Arch-Terrorist Abu Jihad2019-May-31
Video: Feel Israel2019-May-08
Palestinian Rockets over Israel2019-May-06
The ICC's Decision Not to Investigate the U.S. in Afghanistan 2019-April-23
Video: America and the International Criminal Court2019-April-19
Chinese Special Envoy on the Middle East Visits Israel2019-April-01
U.S. Recognition of Israeli Sovereignty over the Golan Heights: Some Legal Observations2019-April-01
Video: Living Next to Hamas Terrorists in Gaza2019-March-29
Video: Why Israeli Sovereignty over the Golan Heights Matters2019-March-29
Video: Israeli Mothers near Gaza Raising Children under Rocket Fire2019-March-28
Hizbullah's Operational Infrastructure Discovered on Golan Heights2019-March-13
The UN Human Rights Council Report on Israel's Response to the Gaza Border Riots2019-March-11
Israel: UN Human Rights Council Report on Gaza 2019-March-01

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