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How the UN Misrepresents the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 2023-June-08
The Historic Ties between Israel and the Kurds of Iraq Will Continue2023-June-05
State Department Confirms Palestinian Authority Is Paying for Terrorists to Murder Israelis2023-June-01
Arms Smuggling from Jordan: Lessons Learned2023-June-01
Former U.S. Middle East Envoy Greenblatt Doesn't Anticipate Early Israeli-Saudi Normalization 2023-May-29
Normalization with Saudi Arabia Will Come Incrementally2023-May-25
Israel's Top Military Officers Warn of Conflict with Hizbullah2023-May-25
Palestinian Leader Abbas Is No Partner for Peace with Israel2023-May-25
Hava Nagila" Celebrates the End of World War I 2023-May-22
Israel's Operation Shield and Arrow Exposes Iran's Weakness and Strengthens Israel's Regional Ties2023-May-18
Israel's Mosaic 2023-May-18
The First Jerusalem Liberation Day in the Modern Era - in 1917 2023-May-18
Are Two States Really a Solution?2023-May-18
Saudi-Iran Rapprochement and Saudi-Israel Normalization: No Contradiction Intended2023-May-15
The German Officers Who Prevented the Massacre of the Jews of Palestine in World War I 2023-May-11
Tehran Already Violating Missile Embargo Set to Expire in October 2023-May-04
Why Is Jordan Knowingly Promoting a False Anti-Israel Narrative? 2023-April-27
Why Did Saudi Arabia Change Its Orientation to Iran and the West? 2023-April-27
Ex-U.S. Envoy Jason Greenblatt Joins Israeli Think Tank as Diplomacy Chief2023-April-27
How Will Israel Confront the Iranian Regime's Multi-Front Assault?2023-April-10
Israel Escalated Attacks on Iranian and Hizbullah Targets in Syria2023-April-03
Israeli, Ethiopian Think Tanks Sign National Security MOU 2023-April-03
Gulf and African Delegates Arrive in Israel to Discuss Ties2023-March-30
Historic Israel-Africa-Arab Conference in Jerusalem2023-March-27
Israel's Pre-emptive Offensive Against Palestinian Islamic Jihad 2023-March-23
Legal Perspectives on Israel's Legal Rights to Rescind Parts of Its 2005 Disengagement Law2023-March-23
The Perplexing Iran Policy of the EU 2023-March-16
Palestinian Teenage Terror - Inherently Illegal, But Does Anyone Care?2023-March-09
Anti-Zionism Is the New Antisemitism2023-March-02
Anti-Terror Operation in Nablus Is Further Proof of IDF Capabilities2023-February-27
Sudan: Expanding the Tent of the Abraham Accords2023-February-23
First Arab-Africa-Israel Security Conference to Be Held in Jerusalem2023-February-23
Israel, U.S. Signal Unprecedented Cooperation in Military Preparations Against Iran2023-February-20
Is Assad Stealing Earthquake Disaster Aid?2023-February-13
Architect of Judicial Reform Bill "Eager to Compromise"2023-February-06
Video: Clarifying the Proposed Israeli Judicial Reform2023-February-06
The "Two-State Solution": Partition or Politicide?2023-February-06
The Tragic Palestinian Children's Crusade2023-February-02
How Should Israel Be Discussed in the Public Sphere? 2023-January-26
Fanny, the Jewish Spy for Germany in World War I 2023-January-26
The Palestinian Terror Authority2023-January-23
Jordanian King Abdullah's Red Lines2023-January-19
A British Diplomat Established a Training Farm for Jews in Jerusalem in 18522023-January-19
In Spite of Growing Frustration with Iran, the West Creates a Problematic, De Facto Arrangement with Tehran 2023-January-19
Hamas Spies on Israel for Iran from Istanbul 2023-January-16
Foreign Policy Forecast for 20232023-January-12
The Discriminatory "Status Quo" on Jerusalem's Temple Mount: An International Law Viewpoint2023-January-05
Palestinian Terror Groups Challenge PA Forces2023-January-05
The Prospects of Normalization between Sudan and Israel 2023-January-05
Historical Photos: The Great Powers Converged on the Holy Land in the 19th Century 2023-January-05

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