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Saudi Arabia and the Struggle Against Al-Qaeda 2008-October-24
Ultraconservative Islam - Salafis - on Rise in Arab Nations 2008-October-22
U.S. Military Report: Terms "Jihad," "Islamist" Are Needed 2008-October-22
Four Islamic Jihad Terrorists Nabbed with Bombs in West Bank 2008-October-17
French Internet Service Provider Cancels New Hamas Website 2008-October-17
Damascus Should Not Be Rewarded for Its "Nuanced" Position on Islamist Terrorism 2008-October-17
Female Gaza Suicide Bombers Determined to Die2008-October-16
Geysers of Resistance to the PA Are Bubbling in the West Bank2008-October-16
Imperative to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons Now 2008-October-13
Ahmadinejad's Evil Words Aren't Just Talk 2008-October-02
Hizbullah: Palestine Is Arab "From the Sea to the River" 2008-September-29
Germany Arrests Two in Islamist Terror Plot 2008-September-22
Embassy Attack in Yemen a "Wake-Up Call" 2008-September-19
Britain's Jihad Industry Exposed Again 2008-September-19
U.S. Embassy Bombing Kills 16 in Yemen, Al-Qaeda Blamed 2008-September-18
PA Strengthens Control in West Bank 2008-September-16
Six Muslims Found Guilty of Terrorism in Australia 2008-September-15
Barghouti Cannot Unite Palestinians2008-September-10
Living to Bomb Another Day2008-September-10
Al-Qaeda's American-Born Propaganda Chief May Have Died in Predator Attack 2008-September-09
Watching "Friends" in Gaza: A Culture Clash2008-September-09
Islam Group Urges Forest Fire Jihad 2008-September-08
Wanted: Palestinian Author of Al-Qaeda Bomb-Making Manual 2008-September-05
Bank of China May Escape Terror Funding Probe 2008-September-04
Islamic Jihad Leader Al-Arian Is Freed in U.S., But More Charges Await2008-September-04
Sinai Terror Attacks Feared During Holiday Season 2008-September-03
A New Strategy for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 2008-September-02
Islamic Jihad Celebrates Graduation of Trained Fighters 2008-September-01
Iran Plotting to Sabotage Gaza Cease-Fire 2008-September-01
Two Israeli Arabs Arrested in Islamic Jihad Plot to Kill Israeli Pilots, Scientists 2008-August-29
Canadian Plotter Proposed Suicide Attack on Israel 2008-August-27
Israeli Terror Victims Sue Bank of China for Aiding Hamas2008-August-22
Al-Qaeda Affiliate - Jaish al-Islam - Receives Formal Sanctuary in Hamas-Ruled Gaza 2008-August-20
Growing Up in the Paris of the Middle East 2008-August-19
Al-Qaeda Is Shifting Its Tactics and Finding New Followers 2008-August-08
Jihad in China's Far West 2008-August-07
How to Get the World to Hate Israel2008-August-05
Islamic Extremists Planning German Attacks2008-August-05
Qaeda Deputy Zawahiri Releases Video in English2008-August-05
Hamas Tightens Its Hold on Gaza2008-August-05
Gaza Summer Camps Teach Kids to Fire Rockets 2008-July-31
Al-Qaeda's Sinister Creep into North Africa 2008-July-31
How Terrorist Groups End: Implications for Countering Al-Qaeda2008-July-29
One Month into the Lull with Hamas in Gaza 2008-July-28
Israeli Intelligence Agencies Warn of "Substantial" Global Jihad Threat 2008-July-24
Extreme Islamist Ideas Penetrating Territories 2008-July-24
Hizbullah's Future in Lebanon 2008-July-23
Radical Islamists in Gaza: "Compared to Us, Hamas Is Islamism Lite"2008-July-22
Sunni-Shiite Relations 2008-July-22
Iran Ordered to Pay $12 Million for 1991 Assassination in France2008-July-21

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