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Rocket Attacks Continue Amid Ceasefire Talk2012-November-20
The Fuel for the Flames2012-November-20
Can Terrorists Be Deterred?2012-November-19
What an Egypt-Brokered Cease-Fire Should Look Like 2012-November-19
With Longer Reach, Rockets Bolster Hamas Arsenal2012-November-19
The Hamas Bombardment of Gaza 2012-November-19
Palestinians Say Israel Demands 15-Year Lull, Morsi Guarantee 2012-November-19
Hamas Weighing Israel's Ceasefire Terms2012-November-19
Egypt: Three More Rockets Fired from Sinai toward Israel2012-November-18
Morsi's Dilemma2012-November-18
Dozens of Rockets Hit Israel During Egyptian PM's Visit 2012-November-16
Israel's Military Action on Gaza a Test for Egypt's Brotherhood2012-November-16
Egypt Islamist Leader Cautious on Gaza Crisis 2012-November-16
Israeli Airstrike Kills Hamas Commander 2012-November-15
Egypt Recalls Ambassador to Israel2012-November-15
Rockets Fired from Egypt into Israel2012-November-15
IDF Restores Deterrence2012-November-15
The Battle to Restore Israel's Deterrence 2012-November-15
In Gaza, Hamas Military Leader Ahmed Jabari Got What He Deserved 2012-November-15
Jordan Raises Gas, Fuel Prices, Sparking Protests 2012-November-14
Egypt to Hamas: We Will Not Intervene If Violence Continues 2012-November-14
Egyptian Islamist Leader Urges Razing of Sphinx, Pyramids2012-November-13
Egyptian Salafis Fleeing to Gaza, Upsetting Cairo2012-November-12
Powder Keg in Gaza2012-November-12
Debunking the Verbal War Against Israel2012-November-12
After the Election, Obama Faces Iran2012-November-08
Obama Faces a Transformed Middle East 2012-November-08
Arab Spring? An Intensifying Storm2012-November-08
Harassers of Women in Cairo Now Face Wrath of Vigilantes2012-November-08
Brotherhood Dictatorship in Egypt? Not So Easy2012-November-06
Engaging the Muslim Brotherhood2012-November-06
Islamist Gunmen Kill Three Egyptian Policemen in Sinai2012-November-05
Israel Nabs Gazan Who Transferred Millions to Hamas 2012-November-02
Anti-Semitism Virulent in Egypt2012-November-02
Egypt's President Orders Investigation after Spike in Sexual Harassment During Muslim Holiday2012-November-01
Egypt Interrogates Terror Cell Members2012-November-01
Muslim Brotherhood: Sharia Must Be Base of New Egyptian Constitution2012-November-01
The Secret of Islamist Success2012-November-01
Gale Force Winds in the Middle East2012-November-01
Egypt Uncovers Terror Plot Against Sinai Tourists 2012-October-31
Egypt Court: Only President Can Annul Peace Treaty with Israel 2012-October-31
Egypt Military Dismisses Rumors of Israeli F-35 Overflights 2012-October-31
Egyptian Child Preacher Prays for the Destruction of Israel2012-October-31
Economic Development as a Panacea for Middle East Problems Is a Myth2012-October-30
Revamped Education System Needed to Fight Growing Unemployment in Egypt2012-October-29
Israel and Gaza2012-October-29
The Islamist Threat Isn't Going Away 2012-October-26
Lull in Fighting Between Israel, Gaza Militants 2012-October-25
Israeli Official: Egypt Not Doing Enough in Sinai2012-October-25
Sudan Accuses Israel of Airstrike on Munitions Factory2012-October-25

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