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Majority and Minorities in the Arab World: The Lack of a Unifying Narrative2012-January-02
Egypt Police Raid U.S.-Backed Pro-Democracy Groups2011-December-30
A Provocation in Egypt2011-December-30
The Muslim Brotherhood in the Arab World and Islamic Communities in Western Europe2011-December-30
U.S. Preparing Options for Aiding Syrian Opposition 2011-December-29
Gaza: A Boiling Pot Waiting to Explode 2011-December-29
Arab Spring: The Revolution Has Only Just Begun 2011-December-29
ElBaradei: U.S. in Secret Talks with Egypt on Peace Treaty with Israel2011-December-28
Israel Thwarts Attack on Israel-Egypt Border 2011-December-28
Egypt's Sinking Economy Belongs to the Islamists Now2011-December-28
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Welcomes Hamas Leader in Cairo2011-December-27
Minorities and the Arab Spring2011-December-27
Egypt Islamist Parties the Big Winners in Second Round of Voting 2011-December-26
Was the Arab Spring a Victory for Extremism?2011-December-26
Are Egypt's Islamic Parties Planning to Nullify the Peace Treaty with Israel? 2011-December-26
Welcome to Cairostan2011-December-23
Do Palestinians Really Support a Two-State Solution?2011-December-23
Hamas for Sale?2011-December-22
Egypt Tahrir Clashes Continue 2011-December-20
Egypt: Salafi Party Calls to Respect Peace Accord with Israel2011-December-20
No Water Under Jerusalem's Mughrabi Bridge2011-December-20
Egypt's Islamists Claim Sweep of Second Round Vote 2011-December-19
Egyptian Liberals Eye Muslim Brotherhood Success2011-December-19
Escalating Crackdown Signals Shift in Egypt's Protests2011-December-19
Blast Hits Egypt's Gas Pipeline to Jordan, Israel 2011-December-19
Keeping the Arab Spring Alive 2011-December-19
Egypt Faces a Hardline Islamic Future 2011-December-16
Why Islamists Are Winning Elections 2011-December-16
Small Egyptian Victories 2011-December-16
Friedman Is Wrong 2011-December-16
Spring, But Not European-Style2011-December-16
Syria's Civil War Is Bigger than Syria Itself2011-December-16
Israel to Release More Prisoners as Part of Shalit Deal2011-December-15
Diplomacy after the Arab Uprisings 2011-December-15
Where Did Nick Kristof Get the Idea that the Muslim Brotherhood Is Moderate? 2011-December-15
Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Official: Review Peace Treaty with Israel2011-December-14
The Peace Process Has Become Irrelevant2011-December-14
Veteran Israeli Diplomat: Beware the Arab Spring 2011-December-14
Hamas Sets Up Rocket Production Line in Sinai2011-December-12
Muslim Brotherhood: Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty Needs to Be Reviewed2011-December-12
U.S. Senator Kerry Meets with Egypt's Brotherhood2011-December-12
Netanyahu to Visit Africa in Bid to Stem Illegal Migration to Israel2011-December-12
In Egypt, a Conservative Appeal Transcends Religion2011-December-12
Palestinian Terrorist Killed in Gaza Air Strike2011-December-09
IDF Eyes Increased Deterrence2011-December-09
Hillary, Israel Is Not Iran2011-December-09
Hard Choices for Hamas with the Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood2011-December-09
Military Flexes Its Muscles as Islamists Gain in Egypt2011-December-08
Sarkozy Says Anger with Netanyahu Caused by France's Exclusion from Shalit Release 2011-December-08
After Arab Spring, Dangers Arise 2011-December-08

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