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Amnesty International's Moral Turpitude2022-February-07
The Amnesty Report on Israel Affirms the PLO's 60-Year "Apartheid" Strategy 2022-February-03
Russia Signals Presence on Israel's Northern Border2022-January-31
Israel-Turkey Reconciliation Is Important, But Won't Be Easy 2022-January-31
Has the Palestinian "Apartheid Assault" Backfired in the Middle East? 2022-January-24
The UN Descent to its Deepest Depths of Hostility against Israel 2022-January-24
The Palestinian Authority Is Losing Control of the Jenin Region2022-January-17
Iran Increases Ballistic Missile Range in Threat to Europe2022-January-17
The IDF's Commitment to the International Laws of War Is Not a Disadvantage2022-January-17
The UN's Final Solution to the Israel Question2022-January-13
Obsessed with Israeli Settlements, Americans and Europeans Turn a Blind Eye to Palestinian Violence2022-January-13
Dore Gold: Senior PA Officials Who Received Medical Treatment in Israel Know It Is Not an "Apartheid State" 2022-January-06
The Other (Ugly) Face of Lebanon 2022-January-06
Video: Falsifying History - The UN's Reinvention of Jerusalem's Past2022-January-03
Tehran Never Intended to Comply with Meaningful Restrictions to Its Nuclear Aspirations 2022-January-03
Did Iran Mistakenly Admit that a Sought-After Revolutionary Guard Commander Was Disguised as a Diplomat? 2021-December-30
Book Review: An Apology for the Elimination of Israel2021-December-30
The UN Creates a Permanent Commission to Attack the Jewish State2021-December-30
For 10 Years Now Hamas Has Used Turkey as a Base to Operate Against Israel2021-December-30
European Funding for Palestinian NGOs as Political Subcontracting2021-December-30
The Newest Anti-Israel UN Action Must Be Challenged - Now 2021-December-23
A Possible Return to UNESCO - a Very Bad Idea 2021-December-23
Latest Palestinian Attacks Are Motivated by Incitement Combined with Hamas' Interest to Increase Terror 2021-December-20
Expansionist Iran Might Launch a New Pearl Harbor in the Middle East 2021-December-16
Iran Accelerates Its Space Program 2021-December-16
Hamas Is Preparing to Attack Israel from Southern Lebanon2021-December-13
Italy Enabled Palestinian Terrorists to Target Jews in Rome2021-December-13
Should Israel Worry about Warming UAE-Iran Ties? 2021-December-13
Britain's Decree Declaring Hamas a Terrorist Organization Freezes Massive Funding Enterprise2021-December-02
Canada's Largest Labor Union Votes to Reject Israel Boycott2021-November-29
The Evidence Linking Palestinian Civil Society Organizations to Terror Groups Is Well-Documented 2021-November-29
The Spread of Iran's Malign Activities 2021-November-25
Iran Developing Air Defense Systems to Challenge U.S., Israel2021-November-22
Does a Palestinian "Right of Return" Exist in International Law?2021-November-22
Video: Today Saudi Arabia Is Part of the Solution2021-November-18
Algeria Confronts Europe and the West over Gas and the Western Sahara2021-November-15
Refuting Palestinian Claims about the U.S. Jerusalem Consulate Issue2021-November-11
Tension in the Fatah Camp: Russia Received Mahmoud Abbas' Greatest Foe, Mohammed Dahlan2021-November-08
The Palestinian Authority: President Biden's Promises Are a Mirage2021-November-04
Israel's Designation of Six Terrorism-Linked NGOs Was in Full Accordance with International Law2021-November-04
The Ideological Obsession behind Washington's Palestinian Policy2021-October-28
Are the Palestinians Changing their Legal Tactics in the International Courts?2021-October-28
How Denmark, Sweden, the UN, and the EU Got Suckered into Funding a Terror Organization2021-October-25
Expert: Hizbullah Seeking to Avoid Civil War in Lebanon2021-October-25
The Battle over a U.S. Consulate for the Palestinians in Jerusalem 2021-October-25
Saudi Arabia Is No Longer a Kingdom of Hate 2021-October-21
The American Consulate in Jerusalem - the Bottom Line 2021-October-21
Iran-Saudi Talks: No Easing of Tense Relations Expected 2021-October-18
The Israeli Government Undermines Efforts to Stop Palestinian Authority Salaries to Terrorists2021-October-11
Mahmoud Abbas' Message of Hopelessness and Hostility at the UN 2021-October-07

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