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Religious Cleansing in the Muslim Middle East2008-October-29
Iranian Official Recommends that Iran Target London 2008-October-27
"Directory of Jewish Residents in Germany 1933-1945" Given to Israel's Holocaust Center 2008-October-24
UN Resolution 1701: A View from the U.S. 2008-October-23
Stopping a Nuclear Tehran 2008-October-23
Berlin Loves Iran 2008-October-17
China Should Act Responsibly on Iran2008-October-16
Hanged for Being a Christian in Iran 2008-October-15
U.S. and EU Plan Iran Sanctions without UN 2008-October-13
Imperative to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons Now 2008-October-13
Russian Scientist May Have Aided Iranian Nuclear Program 2008-October-10
European Universities and the New Anti-Semitism: Issues, Examples, Prescriptions 2008-October-10
French Muslims Find Haven in Catholic Schools 2008-October-03
Islamist Militants Go on Trial in Paris2008-October-02
Talk Isn't Cheap with Iran 2008-October-02
No New Sanctions in Next UN Iran Resolution 2008-September-29
U.S. Deploys Radar System in Israel to Detect Iranian Missiles 2008-September-29
Report: Israel Sought U.S. Go-Ahead to Bomb Iran Nuclear Sites2008-September-26
Israelis More Optimistic, Feel More Secure than Europeans 2008-September-26
More Mahmoud 2008-September-26
A Wakeup Call on Iran's Nukes 2008-September-26
Deafening Silence 2008-September-25
Anti-Semitism, Welcomed and Cheered 2008-September-25
EU: Iran Closer to Nuclear Arms Capacity 2008-September-25
Ahmadinejad Rails Against Zionists, U.S. at UN 2008-September-24
Remember Iran? 2008-September-23
Iran Slips Away 2008-September-23
EU: Say No to Syria2008-September-22
Outlook for Israeli-Palestinian Talks2008-September-19
Anti-Semitism in Austrian Universities2008-September-19
Unfavorable Views of Jews and Muslims on the Increase in Europe 2008-September-18
Myths about Islam in Europe 2008-September-17
Egypt: Will the Dam Burst? 2008-September-17
Come Together 2008-September-16
The Secret War with Iran 2008-September-15
European Union Ends Funding of Anti-Israel NGO 2008-September-15
Jenin: A Dress Rehearsal for Palestinian Statehood? 2008-September-12
Another Year of Global Academic Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israelism 2008-September-12
Al-Qaeda Is Still Gunning for the West 2008-September-11
Al-Qaeda Affiliates and Homegrown Cells Pose Threat to U.S. 2008-September-11
Living to Bomb Another Day2008-September-10
Criminalizing Criticism of Islam2008-September-10
LBJ - A Friend in Deed2008-September-10
Misperceptions about Islam 2008-September-09
Terror Groups Developing "Dirty Bomb" 2008-September-08
Islam Group Urges Forest Fire Jihad 2008-September-08
Palestinian Soap Opera Postponed 2008-September-08
The United States, Israel, and the Iranian Threat: A View from Congress 2008-September-08
End Flow of European Energy Technology to Iran 2008-September-05
French President on Visit to Syria 2008-September-04

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