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Some Think the Israelis Will Tire of the Battle to Preserve Their Existence and Give Up 2023-May-11
Israel's Treatment of Hunger-Striking Terrorist2023-May-11
Iran's Unhappy Workers2023-May-11
Iranian President Affirms Coordination with Palestinian Terrorist Groups2023-May-08
Two Palestinian Gunmen Killed near Tulkarm2023-May-08
Leah Goldin Demands Son's Remains before Israel Returns Body of Islamic Jihad Terrorist2023-May-08
PA Security Forces in Jenin Attack Procession Honoring Palestinian Hunger Striker2023-May-04
Senior Islamic Jihad Leader Dies after Hunger Strike2023-May-04
Palestinians in Gaza Launch Rocket Barrages at Israel, IDF Responds2023-May-04
The Rollercoaster of Israeli Life near the Gaza Border 2023-May-04
How Some Americans Support Terrorism Against Israel 2023-April-27
Israel: Iran Gives Hizbullah $700 Million a Year, Is Driving Force of Current Escalation2023-April-24
The New Generation of Palestinian Armed Groups: A Paper Tiger?2023-April-20
Iran Is Recruiting Militant Allies to Launch Attacks Against Israel 2023-April-17
Six Rockets Fired at Israel from Syria2023-April-10
Palestinians in Gaza Fire Rocket Barrage at Israel on Wednesday2023-April-05
Palestinian Gunmen Open Fire at Israeli Kibbutz2023-April-05
U.S. Report: Iran's Support for Terrorism2023-April-05
Israel's Pre-emptive Offensive Against Palestinian Islamic Jihad 2023-March-23
Islamic Jihad Leader Holds Talks with Hizbullah Chief in Lebanon 2023-March-20
Palestinian Terrorists Killed in Jenin2023-March-20
Do Israeli Arrest Raids "Violate International Law"? 2023-March-16
IDF Eliminates Palestinian Terrorist Who Murdered Two Israeli Brothers in Huwara2023-March-09
Israeli Trains Syrians to Clear Landmines 2023-March-09
Judge Jewish Rioters, But Don't Rationalize Arab Murderers2023-March-02
Gen. Amidror: Israeli Raid in Nablus 2023-February-27
Anti-Terror Operation in Nablus Is Further Proof of IDF Capabilities2023-February-27
Can the Whole World Be Wrong?2023-February-23
Israel's UN Envoy Accuses New York Times of "Overt Anti-Israel Bias"2023-February-23
IDF Operates Against Lions' Den Terrorists in Nablus2023-February-23
Why Keep Pretending that Jews Building Homes Prevents Peace?2023-February-23
When Is Terror Not Terror? When the Victims Are Jews2023-February-16
Bedouin-Israeli, Palestinian Cell Sold Bullets to Islamic Jihad2023-February-13
There Are No Two Sides Here 2023-February-06
Israeli Forces Eliminate Islamic Jihad Terror Cell Planning Major Attacks2023-February-02
The Tragic Palestinian Children's Crusade2023-February-02
Nine Palestinians Killed in Clashes with IDF near Jenin2023-January-26
Israel Was Created to Ensure the Survival of the Jewish People2023-January-26
Palestinians Killed after Firing at IDF Soldiers from Moving Vehicle2023-January-16
Foreign Policy Forecast for 20232023-January-12
Ben-Gvir's Temple Mount Jaunt 2023-January-05
Why Are the PA and Jordan So Worried about What Happens on the Temple Mount?2023-January-05
Palestinian Terror Groups Challenge PA Forces2023-January-05
Israel Arrests Palestinian for Bomb Attacks in Jerusalem2022-December-29
Palestinian Authority Seeks to Stop Gunmen from Holding Public Rallies2022-December-29
Why Israel Cannot Send Its Iron Dome to Ukraine2022-December-29
Palestinian Gunmen Fire at Israeli Bus in Samaria2022-December-19
Report: Iran Halts Funds to Palestinian Terror Groups, Sparking Crisis2022-December-12
Shireen Abu Akleh Death "Witness" Is Islamic Jihad Terrorist2022-December-12
Does the Moral High Ground Belong to the Side that Loses More People? 2022-December-08

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