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In the Wake of Israel's Apology to Turkey2013-March-28
IDF: Palestinian Violence in West Bank Has Increased 2013-March-27
Don't Believe Hack Claims Against Mossad's Website, Expert Says2013-March-27
Netanyahu Phones Erdogan to Apologize for Deaths of Turkish Citizens on Gaza Flotilla2013-March-25
Iran and Hizbullah Accessing Treasure Trove of Syrian Weapons 2013-March-25
IDF Returns Fire at Syrian Military Post2013-March-25
Between Jerusalem and Bethlehem, Rachel's Tomb Frequently Under Siege2013-March-22
Israel's New Defense Minister's Outlook2013-March-22
Blind Israeli Teens Participate in Pre-Military Program 2013-March-22
IDF Provides Medical Aid to Wounded Syrians2013-March-20
Palestinian Anti-Obama Protesters, Police Clash2013-March-20
Where Have All the Gaza Rockets Gone?2013-March-19
Netanyahu Names Ya'alon Israel's New Defense Minister2013-March-18
IDF Military Intelligence Chief Surveys Middle East Threats 2013-March-15
Israeli Infant Critically Hurt in Traffic Accident Caused by Stone-Throwing Palestinians 2013-March-15
If a Palestinian State Were Established2013-March-15
IDF Reserve Duty: A Stone's-Throw Away from Home 2013-March-15
Ethiopian-Born Miss Israel to Meet Obama 2013-March-14
Women Officers Outnumber Men in the IDF2013-March-08
Is Israel on the Verge of a Third Intifada?2013-March-06
Ex-IDF Military Intelligence Chief: Iran Strike "Is Not a War, This Is a One-Night Operation"2013-March-05
Hamas Terror Cell Uncovered in Hebron2013-March-05
U.S.-Israel Security Ties as Close as Ever 2013-March-05
Palestinians Shoot at IDF across Gaza Border2013-March-04
IDF Prepares for Ground Operations Against Hizbullah2013-February-28
IDF: Violence in West Bank Waning, But Far from Over 2013-February-27
Six Wounded Syrians, Treated in Israel, Return to Syria 2013-February-27
Iran's Attempted Rapprochement with Egypt: Implications for Sunni-Shiite Relations2013-February-27
Palestinian Rioters Attack Israeli Soldiers2013-February-26
Palestinian Authority Orchestrating West Bank Unrest2013-February-26
18 Attempts to Kidnap Israeli Soldiers in Four Months2013-February-25
West Bank Disturbances Not Intifada, Yet 2013-February-25
For Israel's Last Military Attache in Tehran, "Argo" Is Kids' Stuff 2013-February-25
IDF Trains for Subterranean Warfare with Hizbullah2013-February-21
Report: IDF to Set Up Field Hospital on Syrian Border2013-February-19
IDF Chief of Staff: Risk of Terrorism from Syria Growing2013-February-18
IDF: Former PA Security Official Jibril Rajoub Behind Escalating Clashes in West Bank 2013-February-11
Jews and Arabs Clean Up Hebron 2013-February-08
Israel Upgrades Electricity Lines to Gaza 2013-February-08
As Syria Crumbles, Israel Prepares for Instability 2013-February-08
Israel: Iran Has "All the Ingredients Necessary" to Make a Nuclear Weapon2013-February-05
Israel Nabs Islamic Jihad Cell Plotting to Kidnap Israeli Soldier2013-February-05
Israel "Considering Further Air Strikes on Syria"2013-February-04
Israel Arrests Cell Plotting to Kidnap IDF Soldier2013-February-01
Iran's "Space Monkey" Means Trans-Atlantic Launch Capability 2013-January-30
PA Behind Continued West Bank Unrest2013-January-28
No Israelis Killed by West Bank Terror in 2012, First Time since 19732013-January-25
Operation Pillar of Defense: Objectives and Implications2013-January-23
IDF: "Attack Tunnel" Discovered in Israeli Territory near Gaza Border 2013-January-15
IDF Arrests Palestinian Who Fired at Kibbutz Migdal Oz 2013-January-14

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