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U.S. Officials: IS Losses on Battlefield Won't End Threat2016-September-09
U.S. Trained Dissident Iranian Kurds2016-September-09
As ISIS Loses Ground, It Sends Fighters to Europe2016-September-08
European Security Services Bracing for Return of Thousands of Jihadists as ISIS Loses Territory2016-September-08
ISIS Planned to Strike More Targets During Paris Attacks2016-September-07
Netanyahu: In the Fight Against Islamist Terror, Israel Is Helping to Defend Europe2016-September-07
Taking the Fight Against Anti-Semitism to the United Nations2016-September-07
Dutch Anti-Israel Incitement2016-September-07
Netanyahu Vows to Imbue EU with "New Understanding" of Israel's Role in War on Terror 2016-September-06
A Setback for Satellite Communications 2016-September-02
Oren: America Doesn't Want to Be the World's Policeman2016-September-02
Oldest Human Remains Found Outside Tel Aviv 2016-September-02
Turkey Seeks Israeli Deals 2016-August-31
UN, EU Help Palestinians Build ICC Suit Against Israel2016-August-29
Norway Builds a Fence 2016-August-26
How Israel Became a Role Model in Fighting Terrorism 2016-August-26
The Endless War Against the Jews2016-August-26
The Jewish Olympians among Hitler's Victims2016-August-26
Israel Clears Troops of Wrongdoing During 2014 Gaza War2016-August-25
"Arab Susiya" Is a Fabrication2016-August-19
Israel Scores Success Against Skin Cancer 2016-August-18
UNIFIL in Lebanon: Strong Force, Weak Mandate 2016-August-17
Islamic Group Hizbut Tahrir to Be Outlawed in Israel2016-August-10
Terrorism Doesn't Have to Be Very Sophisticated2016-August-10
Israel Consults Arab Powers in Diplomacy Push2016-August-09
Islamic State's Innovation in Militant Islam2016-August-05
Russia in Syria and the Implications for Israel 2016-August-05
How a Secretive Branch of ISIS Built a Global Network of Killers2016-August-04
What the World Can Learn from Israel after July's Wave of Deadly Attacks2016-August-04
European Prisons Fueling Spread of Islamic Radicalism 2016-August-03
Enduring Myths about U.S. Middle East Policy 2016-August-03
The Fraying Palestinian Political Entity in the West Bank2016-August-03
The Curious State Department Announcement on Israeli Settlements2016-August-02
Iran, EU Launch Talks to Boost Economic Cooperation2016-August-01
Qatar Coordinated Payment to Hamas Employees with Israel, PA2016-August-01
Sisi's New Approach to Egypt-Israel Relations2016-August-01
After Failed Coup, Turkey's Army Lies Broken2016-July-29
Weapons Flowing from Europe to Middle East2016-July-29
Amid Uncertainty in the Middle East, Israel's Popularity Booms2016-July-29
Israeli Biometric Startup Sees Surge in Demand as Security Woes Weigh 2016-July-28
The Myth of Lone-Wolf Terrorism in Europe 2016-July-28
Is Europe Helpless?2016-July-27
European Elites Not Equipped to Deal with Islam's Insurgency2016-July-27
Israeli Delek Company Seeks Gas Off Cyprus2016-July-25
Israel Aerospace Signs German Drone Deal for Use in Mali2016-July-22
Turkey's Worrying Slide into Tyranny2016-July-22
Turkey Declares 3-Month State of Emergency2016-July-21
Chart of 60,000 Arrested or Dismissed by Turkish Government2016-July-21
Israeli Plastic Company Sells Off 80% to European Equity House for USD 1.5B2016-July-21
One Year after the Iran Nuclear Deal2016-July-21

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