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The Contemporary Rivalry over the Chosen People: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives
[Institute for Global Jewish Affairs] Avi Beker - The Saudi government, which is the world's leading distributor of the anti-Jewish forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, blames the Jews in its official publications for deceiving the world into thinking that "they are the chosen people and that God wants them to once more take possession of Palestine, the promised land." A 2004 article in the Saudi armed forces journal refers to the "Jewish sense of superiority in the world" and "quotes" Jewish leaders who claim that "[w]e are the ones who invented the story of a 'chosen people' and we established ourselves as saviors of the world." The writer is the Goldman Visiting Professor at the Department of Government of Georgetown University, former secretary-general of the World Jewish Congress, and author of The Chosen: The History of an Idea and the Anatomy of an Obsession (2008).