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Study: Israel's Image Hurt Since Gaza Pullout
[Jerusalem Post] Etgar Lefkovits - Israel's image in the international media deteriorated after the pullout from Gaza, despite Israeli expectations that the unilateral withdrawal would boost support for its policies, according to a Hebrew University study released Thursday. Researchers found that Israel was represented in a more negative light in both U.S. and UK media after the 2005 Gaza withdrawal, compared to the period that preceded it, and that the improvement in Israel's image occurred only during the disengagement itself. We "found that the demands from Israel for territorial concessions in the territories not only were not lessened following the disengagement, but actually became stronger," said Hebrew University political scientist Dr. Tamir Sheafer. The study was based on thousands of on-line articles that appeared in the UK and U.S. media, as well as on statements by American and British leaders.