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"Innocent" Civilian Home Was Assembly Line for Gaza Rockets
[Ha'aretz] Amos Harel and Avi Issacharoff - During the recent IDF operation in Gaza, Lt.-Col. Nir Ben-David noticed three Palestinians in civilian clothing entering a house at the edge of Jabalya. Using two Kalashnikov rifles and an RPG missile, the three then opened fire in the direction of the Israeli forces. If it wants to, Hamas will clash with the army in uniform and with weapons. Yet, if it so desires, it can also shed its uniforms, enter houses, and pull out weapons from a cache. In the battle for public opinion, Israel's explanation that civilian members of the Atallah family were killed in an Israel Air Force bombing in Gaza because they chose to build an assembly line for Kassam rockets in their home did not penetrate. The fact that Hamas shelled the Sufa crossing at a time when 60 trucks with food were entering Gaza remained unreported.