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Obama Architect on Iran Seeking Engagement with Pressure
[Washington Post] Glenn Kessler - As one of the main architects of the Obama administration's Iran policy, diplomatic troubleshooter Dennis Ross is crafting a way to reach out to Iran to persuade its leaders to abandon any plan to develop nuclear weapons. President Obama says this effort will have to show results by the end of the year. If engagement fails, Ross probably will have to shift course and help devise a blunt-force strategy to accomplish the same goal. In a new book, Ross and co-author David Makovsky lay out the elements of a strategy for approaching Iran. Myths, Illusions and Peace: Finding a New Direction for America in the Middle East recommends the establishment of a "direct, secret back channel" with Iran's leaders before any public talks commence, thus allowing for both sides to have a "thorough discussion and to see whether there is a common agenda that can be constructed." The book argues for a "hybrid approach," in which the U.S. seeks to talk to Iran but keeps up the pressure with aggressive enforcement of existing sanctions.