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UN Committee Accuses Iran of Violating Arms Embargo
[Reuters] Louis Charbonneau - Japan's UN Ambassador Yukio Takasu, chairman of the Iran sanctions committee, told the UN Security Council on Tuesday that the Cyprus-flagged MV Monchegorsk, chartered by the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Line, was carrying banned items when it was seized by authorities in Cyprus, including bullet shells, high-explosive gun charges, items related to 125 mm armor-piercing guns and high explosive anti-tank propellant. Takasu said the shipment of weaponry constituted a "violation" of Security Council Resolution 1737, passed in 2006 to put pressure on Iran to suspend its nuclear enrichment program. U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice said, "In light of Iran's continued failure to comply with its obligations, the Iran sanctions committee should redouble its efforts to ensure full and robust implementation of Security Council resolutions." Rice reiterated that President Obama was prepared for "principled engagement" with Iran but Tehran had to live up to its responsibilities.