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An Historic Opportunity for Justice
[Maariv-Hebrew] Ben-Dror Yemini - To the members of the UN Human Rights Council Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict: It is doubtful whether any of you would recommend the restraint that Israel practiced for years if a certain group, three kilometers away, were to adopt a strange custom of launching 30 missiles a day at your city. For many years, Hamas has been methodically murdering innocent Jews. It is a regime whose spokesmen preach the annihilation of Jews in schools and in mosques. European countries sent many troops to remote Afghanistan because it is home to a radical Islamic group, the Taliban. Many in Afghanistan, perhaps the majority, support that group. The Taliban are not launching missiles at Europe or threatening to destroy it. Nevertheless, countries in the West saw fit to go there to stop the danger of radical Islam and, in that struggle, thousands of innocents have been killed. Why didn't anyone open an investigation on the civilian casualties or the war crimes that have been committed in Afghanistan? Because most of the free world thinks that it's a justified fight. Then why is the struggle against Hamas less justified than the fight against the Taliban? Is what Israel did in Gaza different from what Europe did in Serbia or what NATO did in Afghanistan or what Pakistan is doing in its own territory? Is there a different justice for Israel than for the rest of the world? Just a few weeks ago, the Human Rights Council lauded Sri Lanka following its fight against the Tamil rebels. Twenty thousand innocent people were killed in just a few weeks of war. Three hundred thousand people became refugees. Now, will you establish a different law for Israel? Innocent people were, indeed, hurt in Gaza, but fewer innocent people were hurt by Israel than in any similar conflict in the world.