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Gold vs. Goldstone
[Jerusalem Post] E.B. Solomont - After his match-up with Judge Richard Goldstone at Brandeis University last week, former Israeli ambassador Dore Gold said Israeli cooperation with the Goldstone Commission would not have improved the final report, which charged Israel and Hamas with war crimes. "This was a fixed fact-finding mission," Gold said. "It wasn't looking for the truth. It was looking for a narrative that condemned Israel and let Hamas off the hook." Gold was armed with aerial maps, video and sound clips and other evidence showing how Israel warned Gaza civilians of its impending actions. He insisted that all the materials he used were in the public domain. In other words, he used "material the UN Gaza mission could have obtained itself." "Why does Hamas not appear as a responsible party for what happened?" Gold asked. "This war never would have happened if rockets weren't launched at the State of Israel."