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Hamas' Bloody Hands
[Washington Post] Richard Cohen - A report issued Monday by Human Rights Watch says that "Hamas security forces or masked gunmen believed to be with Hamas" executed 18 people, most of whom were accused of collaborating with Israel, sparing the expense and bother of a trial. Others were shot, maimed or beaten for belonging to the opposition political party, Fatah. You can only imagine what would happen if Israel dealt with its internal political enemies or dissenters in such a fashion. No doubt the report will be ignored or dismissed in the greater cause of demonizing Israel. This has been the trend of late. But as much as some would like to criticize Israel - and I have done so myself - they still have a minimal obligation to acknowledge the difference in core values between Israel and its enemies. Critics who vilify Israel and romanticize Hamas clearly have never had the inexpressible pleasure of living in a place where a chance remark can get your legs riddled with lead.