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Israel Demands PA Drop War Crimes Suit at The Hague
[Ha'aretz] Amos Harel and Avi Issacharoff - Tensions are mounting between Israel and the PA following Ramallah's call on the International Court at The Hague to examine claims of "war crimes" allegedly committed by the IDF during the Gaza operation. Israeli security sources said the move was authorized by Prime Minister Fayyad and PA Chairman Abbas. At the time of the operation last winter, senior PA officials had encouraged Israel to step up the pressure on Hamas, and even to attempt to bring its rule in the territory to the point of collapse. "The PA has reached the point where it has to decide whether it is working with us or against us," a senior Israeli defense official said. Israeli sources note the growing presence of Palestinian security personnel in civilian clothing in eastern Jerusalem, contrary to the obligations of the PA. The PA security personnel have stepped up their presence in Jerusalem's medical and educational facilities, and have been involved in the abduction of Palestinians suspected of selling property to Jews.