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Defense Minister Barak: Disagreements with U.S. Are Exaggerated
[Ynet News] Natasha Mozgovaya - Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak addressed recent tensions between Israel and the U.S. at a press conference in Washington on Wednesday. "There is total agreement [between Israel and the U.S.] on matters of general security," Barak explained. "There is a deeper agreement on the situation in Iran than it may appear, and we have similar understandings on Hamas, and what is happening in Lebanon and on a long list of issues pertaining to the diplomatic process." Barak admitted, however, that disagreements do arise, saying, "We must allow the internal discourse to moderate or dissipate a large portion of the disagreements, and that is what we will try to do in the coming weeks." (Ha'aretz) Barak said any public debate between the U.S. and Israel "should take place in a mutual and respectful fashion." He said the U.S. government should "tone down the volume" on the public debate so that it could focus on the core of the issues at stake.